the In the regional electricity market of Switzerland, the Blockchain technology seems to be enjoying a growing popularity. In the quaint Swiss village of Walenstadt, a pilot project will start now to build up a local power market. The trading is done via a Blockchain.

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In Walenstadt, Switzerland have closed 37 of the parties to a local electricity market. The pilot project carries the name of “district power”. 28 participants from the participating parties to own solar power system, only seven are pure energy-consumers. The plants have a total capacity of 290 kW, and annually supply about 300,000 kWh of electricity. The power requirements of all the participants moved around 250,000 kWh. Project Manager Sandro Schopfer is of the opinion that the construction of such a Community is a unique interdisciplinary project. He also stressed that the entire project would be greater than the sum of its parts: “Communities of prosumers and consumers, are economically and ecologically more efficient than individual households.”

System Overview

The distribution network from the local network operators and power utilities water and power plant in Walenstadt (WEW). The WEW is also a trial participant, buys excess solar power and compensates production bottlenecks with AC power. According to the management of the project is to be consuming as much electricity as possible locally. For those receiving as significantly more favourable with respect to costs, as when electricity from more remote areas. According to his own statement, the current costs tend to be lower than the power supply.

Together with the WEW of a Bottom is to be developed-up power tariff to facilitate the local exchange of energy. Via a Web Portal, participating households will be able to specify your individual preferences for the purchase and sale of energy. The operators of solar power systems can determine, for example, to what conditions will you sell your excess solar power in the district. Conversely, the consumer in turn determine the extent to which the price of the electricity. Whether the developed Blockchain is, however, suitable to the transactions in a local electricity market, it will show at the end of the project.

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However, the Blockchain technology could revolutionize the energy sector, the industry as a whole. Thus, it is possible in a Region the energy production and consumption can automatically reconcile. According to the German network Agency, the essential function of an energy supplier is to keep the coordination of a group of households, farmers and industrial companies that feed their self-generated electricity into the grid. With the Blockchain, this function of the energy could be catering in the future unnecessary. In the Swiss Canton of St. Gallen, one looks forward to the future with confidence. The Walenstädter pilot project is supported by a number of prestigious universities, by companies such as Bosch and by the Swiss Federal office for energy in the framework of the Pilot, Demonstration and lighthouse program.

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