the The (former) crypto-exchange, QuadrigaCX has apparently lost additional capital from their customers. The stock exchange has Accidentally sent Bitcoin to the value of half a Million canadian dollars to the crypto Nirvana.

By Phillip Horch
14. February 2019BTC$3.602,89 0.00% Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

When it comes to safety, you should not turn to a certain (former) Bitcoin-Exchange from Canada. The chronicle of the canadian QuadrigaCX reads like a Tu-The-Not-instructions the crypto-currencies for Exchanges. First of all, a dead operator, the had the only access to the Private Keys to the Cold Wallet the stock market. On this Cold Wallet this and it kept seemingly the deposits of the customers.

disappeared, But with his death, the access to these deposits. Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies for a total amount of 144 million US dollars in the meantime as lost. However, Quadriga has increased this amount to 367.000 dollars.

Bitcoin stock exchange provides to the Auditor prior to the large object

Because, as you can read in an official document of the competent court, employees of the stock exchange sent a total of 103 Bitcoin in Cold Wallet, the only, the deceased operator was able to access it:

At the 6. February has sent Quadriga unintentionally 103 Bitcoin worth an estimated 468.675 canadian dollars in their Cold Wallets. The company has currently no access. The Auditor [Ernst & Young] is now working with the Management to get the crypto currency, if it is possible.

if you want to study a little closer the subject of Private Keys, security, and Bitcoin, should know that Without the Private Keys, the field is very difficult. However, it seems to be a few sparks of hope. As you can see from the document, Ernst & Young Cotten in the meantime, the control of the electronic equipment of the former operator of Gerald “Gerry”. On this, the hope is that you could find at least hints at the Private Keys. To this end, Commissioner Auditor will need to examine the four Laptops, four mobile phones and three encrypted USB Sticks. And the luck to find the Private Keys.

Read also: Proof of Key: Become the master of your Bitcoin

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