the During the ongoing year, the world economic summit in Davos crypto topics this year are only one in addition to frequency. This Trend after the first two summit days. Nevertheless, Blockchain technologies do not disappear completely from the screen. Especially smaller players, and the organizers themselves use the big stage to new technologies. An Interim Balance Sheet.

By David Barkhausen
24. January 2019BTC$3.547,04 -0.56%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

There are grim omens, among which was the starting shot for the World Economic Forum (WEF) fell into this year: The international monetary Fund IMF is forecasting declines in economic growth. Numerous government heads of the most important economic Nations to say in advance. The hope of multilateral agreement for the summit seems to be in place before the start died.

And also for the crypto industry, it was already brighter. Because the past years had brought in addition to development progress, especially of a dramatic price drops.

crypto-issues as a marginal phenomenon

the view on the bottom of the valley had already guessed. During the Bitcoin worth so much, and Blockchain-technologies in the past year, three times in the last summit as a Hype-topic everyone is talking about, has done well in Davos the previous year alone, visually much. The lettering of the “Blockchain” and “crypto” by 2017, for example, have disappeared from the streets of the Alpine town. Almost, the topic has disappeared from the official Agenda of this year’s annual meeting. This confirmed the first impression: In Davos crypto topics this year are no more than noise. The spectators flood, as we know from last year, was at this year’s crypto debate.

critics see in this week the Trend is confirmed. While voices from the scene, such as Ripple-CEO, Brad garlinghouse or Circle CEO Jeremy Allaire will stick with it, crypto transformative and fundamentally crucial for the future of humanity are currencies in””, in Davos, especially skepticism.

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words of Warning to the crypto-industry is lacking, despite the picturesque Alpine harmony up in here, none. So it rained the PayPal chief Dan Schulman, or Harvard Professor Kenneth Rogoff is a familiar criticism. In an interview with U.S. news, CNBC, the Economist stressed that there was “Zero percent Chance that crypto-currencies could eventually replace traditional money”. Jeff Schumacher, the founder of Investor BCG Digital Ventures, is in the sure Bitcoin would soon be worthless.

Conciliatory tones coming in this week, unexpectedly, of JPMorgan Chase’s Arm, Jamie Dimon. In view of the descent he was feeling “no satisfaction,” he explains in the Interview. He had prophesied the Bitcoin already in 2017 will soon be over and, therefore, for a sensation and not the least Outcry.

Despite all the criticism, the Blockchain had, however, as a “genuine technology” rather than actual potential, Dimon. A second insight is that, Despite apparent Wegsehens reflected for Davos – from the screen to the Blockchain is long gone.

opportunity for Blockchain-climber?

So the stage used in Davos, on the one hand, especially perceived in addition to actors, in order to present themselves and their projects in the world. Elizabeth Rossiello from the payment service provider BitPensa about promoting the possibilities of cryptography for the exchange of African currencies. IT service provider Cognizant, organized, in turn, together with Reuters, a Panel discussion on the potential of the Blockchain in the health sector.

on the Other hand, the organisers were, however, themselves, the enthusiasm for new technologies and the future of the spirit proved. After the WEF organization on Tuesday, the 23. January, together with the consulting firm McKinsey on the Blockchain-potentials in the field of food safety had been pointed out, uses the Forum to the summit for a unique pilot project. Under the leadership of the environmental organization WWF, the Blockchain platform OpenSC assumes the hosting of the summit participants. So business leaders and journalists should be able to track your fish from the catch to the plate.

Read also: New York: DFS allows Signature Bank Blockchain-Service

Also made the organisers with the announcement of the talk, your Tech’s commitment to continue to expand. The Gulf Emirate and Blockchain-Hub Dubai to the future home to a Davos-sponsored research center for the “fourth industrial Revolution”. From here you will drive in the future, the development of new technologies such as Artificial intelligence and Blockchain in the Region, it is called by the Swiss. Thus, Dubai can consider itself as the largest Blockchain-winner of the summit. Already in the run-up to the summit, WEF President Brende, had warned that the race to new technologies, you will experience a “new Sputnik Moment” and, therefore, at the risk of being interpreted to be suspended.

Up to the summit before the weekend closes, two more, but less full days of the conference. That Blockchain technologies are here to find how about during a Panel on digital identity mention, is considered to be safe. That, however, great leaps, failure and crypto-technologies in this year will continue to be little more than in addition to frequency, however.