the Only money, Smart Contracts, and now dApps. How Ethereum and EOS provide a competition for the most used platform for decentralized applications.

Max Halder
10. January 2019TeilenFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

S mart Contracts . The two most popular platforms for Smart Contracts, Ethereum, and EOS. A vivid image of Smart Contracts, a drinks vending machine, for example, provides. The vending machine receives from the customer two Stimuli: First, the customer throws the money, and then he presses the appropriate button. The right drink comes out of the machine. A seller is superfluous. The machine detects the amount of money are the appropriate money and delivers the product.


With the help of such Smart Contracts can also be decentralized applications, short-dApps, was developed. So about 180 of these dApps are currently on a monthly basis. A look at the main directory of this industry, reveals that there are currently 2031 active applications. Alone for Ethereum-dApps, the number of developers has been estimated at 250,000. In contrast, 141.300 monthly Users for all active dApps, regardless of the platform. Already here it becomes clear that it is still a very young game meadow. Also with regard to the developments Ethereum has the nose of about 105 new dApps per month in the front. Only in the number of User EOS currencies, beating the number two of all Crypto, even if it was doubted, on the other hand.

In the age of the entertainment industry, it is perhaps not surprising that in the play area most of the developments in play. About a quarter of all dApps represent Games. One of the most successful crypto kitties that runs on Ethereum. In terms of usage, the field of cloud storage, with over 100,000 monthly users, seems to be the most promising. In addition to the on Ethereum-based projects StorJ and X Cloud, which is dApps, and the stand-alone platform Siacoin such a service. Another pioneering project is Steemit listed in the Ranking of the dApps on court 1. This is a social network à la Reddit, which rewards the user with the corresponding currency Steem Dollars, when a Post is shared, read or with a thumbs up.

What it still hooks

in the development of such dApps an enormous potential, is likely to be the sheer mass of the working experts and also to the daily and emerging products. But why Users are so reluctant? Smartphones, Play Store and the Apple Store are technologies that have already arrived in the collective consciousness. An App like the encrypted WhatsApp-competitor Signal is installed with a few clicks. All of the dApps far from the reality. If you want to play, for example, crypto kitties, you have to buy ETH and transfer, and then an Add-On for the Browser to install – a relatively demanding task. Another Problem lies in the Limit of transactions per unit of time. As soon as you carry out in the respective dApp an action, we say in crypto kitties a cat for sale, flutes, a bit of the capacity of the network used.


Similar to the entire Blockchain technology is still in its infancy, stuck, of course, the dApps in your. Certainly, many developments are superfluous gimmicks, but in any game of knowledge, in its development. In any case, the know-how and the craftsmanship is on the rise. Why the new technology is not so in a playful way among the people with digital house cats of crypto kitties? Or to get the promise for his comments money, as it makes Steemit?