the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia has 15 Bitcoin Mining farms cut off the power supply. Overall, they had consumed as much electricity as 1,800 households. Thus, their demand was simply too high for the Region.

Tanja Giese
At the 2. January 2019ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

Bitcoin Mining consumes electricity and not too tight. What environmentalists and a thorn in the eye, can represent small regions of a threat to the local power supply. Accordingly, the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, the power consumption of the nearby Mining farm for Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies do not carry any longer. The Region is regarded in international law as a part of Georgia and has nearly 250.000 inhabitants. At the end of the year, you had to set the power supply for the Mining operations, such as the state-owned electricity supplier Cherno more ergo in a Facebook Post on December 31. December announced.

to be able to Not an easy time for Bitcoin Mining

the power supply in the Region continue to ensure, adopted by the government of the Republic of Abkhazia, a Resolution “on temporary measures for limiting the electricity consumption of certain categories of subscribers”. With the shutdown of the power supply of all network Bitcoin holdings this decision was made on December 31. December of last year. The 15 affected Mining farms had consumed a total of 8,950 kWh according to the electricity supplier, as much as 1,800 households. The utility stressed that the owners of the facilities were informed in advance about the shutdown. So far, nothing about the duration of the action or the reaction of the operator is known.

The small Region in Georgia there is, however, of their action against the high power consumption of Mining farms are not alone. Norway has already taken action against the enormous energy requirements, the Mining of Bitcoin & co. requires. Like BTC-ECHO at 24. November reported, had subsidized the Scandinavian country of crypto-Mining so far, with discounted electricity prices. This advantage is at the 1. January of this year, ceased to exist. Therefore, Bitcoin-Mining-companies must now pay four times for the required current.

Not only will this price increase make crypto to create Miner currently. Always growing smaller, resulting in profit margins from the prolonged bear market and the rapid growth of the Market variables, such as Bitmain, bring the miners in distress. In contrast, the results of a recently published study from CoinShare environment is likely to calm the guards. Accordingly, a majority of the current that is used for the crypto-Mining come from renewable energies. In addition, the Mining of Bitcoin & co. concern for the stabilisation of the power grids and would thus be a positive effect on the efficiency of electricity networks.