the Cloud-Computing-companies BitDeer goes into the Mining business. With prominent support by AntPool and BitDeer with its Cloud Mining Service especially wants to win individuals for the Bitcoin Mining.

15. December 2018ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

The bear market has to be Good: Since a large number of miners are forced, due to lower rates their Mining-shut down Hardware, it drops the Hash Rate. Those miners that can still be profitable on the market, thus decreasing Difficulty. The current crash of the Hash Rate takes on an almost historical dimensions. With a Minus of 15,13 percent, we are witnessing the second-largest drop in the Mining Difficulty for Bitcoin at all.

New competition for the Mining industry

in it BitDeer sees an opportunity rather than a risk for the Bitcoin infrastructure, and sends, to the Mining to enter. Together with and AntPool, the platform on February 12. December officially marks the start for the Cloud-Mining-collaboration. This is from a press release by the 12. December.

In the press release reads the value proposition, however, is not very different from the classical Cloud Miner.

“BitDeer makes it possible to mine Bitcoin without expensive Mining Hardware to buy”,

it is said in the press release.

Ultimately, Cloud Mining is to entry the barriers to market for the Miner to reduce, by private individuals computing power in the pool can be rented. Depending on the amount of the investment is a participation in the Revenues is waving through the Mining, so, the Coinbase Rewards and transaction fees.

The solution for the small Player Pool Mining

is combinations such as these have led to more centralization in Mining, but sometimes the only way to survive in the market, so Zhong Zhuang.

“Big players will continue to expand your competitive advantage through the operation of large Mining Pools.”

However, even small Miner competition remained eligible, provided that they close together in Pools.

“this is the reason appreciates the partnership with a platform like BitDeer very much and is looking forward to attract more individuals for the Mining,” says Zhuang.