the According to the promises of the bull market in 2017 have crypto and Blockchain Start-ups in the course of the year 2018 scaled up. Since the crypto-market among them, broke in, anxious now many companies in order to their existence. The new Investment Fund YGC now wants to ensure that promising projects will survive the crypto-Winter – and 200 million dollars to collect.

By Christopher clover
11. December 2018ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

The bear quilts – and the risk of this burgeoning Blockchain and crypto-running-Start-to trample ups. So, for example, the Social Media platform Steemit had to disconnect at the end of November, almost three-quarters of their employees. But even the “Big ones” were not spared, either. With ConsenSys one of the most famous and the greatest number of employees of Start-ups in the Blockchain, announced the sector’s bear-market-induced restructuring – redundancies not ruled out.

Exactly the right time, in order to create a new investment vehicle for crypto Start-ups. The David Johnston, a Serial Entrepreneur from the (crypto-)Tech sectors and is currently, among other things, Chairman of Factom at least. Compared to Coindesk Johnston presented his new project: Yeoman’s Growth Capital, in short: YGC.

“We are honestly of the opinion that this is the perfect time to start a growth capital company, the use of all these great technologies that were developed in the last few years, and can help you in the practice and of the consumers of mass-accepted”

betrayed Johnston Coindesk.

focus on growth and adaptation

YGC wants it to focus on Start-ups, which are in an advanced stage and already about products.

“I consider what we do in the case of YGC, as very similar to Private Equity or a traditional growth capital. Our focus is on projects that are already live, already have a Mainnet, the Software, the products. What you need is help with the growth and acceptance,“

so Johnston to Coindesk. In order to ensure appropriate growth YGC collect a total of 200 million US dollars. Johnston’s Family Office has already invested an unknown amount. Now you are looking for Co-investors; information on other partners to follow next month.

it was Originally scheduled for a larger sum, 200 million U.S. dollars as a result of the General bear market. The sum is to be adjusted in the coming year – it is in the case of YGC, the Institutional flushing more capital into the crypto-market.

That could already be in January to the extent that if the Bitcoin Futures of Bakkt as planned on the 24. January go to the Start.