With a series of Tweets had taken care of Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin in the past week for confusion. In the conversation with other users, he was first due to looking to may want to in the future shorter. Later, he made it clear, however, that a speedy departure from the Ethereum-Foudation.

such As Apple with the late Steve Jobs and Tesla with the – sometimes already with Jobs compared – Elon Musk is also connected to Ethereum almost inseparable with his leadership character. But what happens should Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum-Co assign-Founder and Head of the Ethereum Foundation, and other things? This question arose last Friday, the 5. October, on sudden and unexpected way.

“Vitalik, how do you actually hand in your notice?”

Twitter users Raz challenged Vitalik Buterin in a Twitter Thread with the question of whether and when he would withdraw at some point of Ethereum. “Vitalik Buterin, any ideas on how you will in the end of the project to solve?”, the exact wording of the question.