the Twice a year, the Monero project performs a Software Update. So on 9. March 2019, the first Hard Fork for this year. With Boron Butterfly Updates are mainly security to the Protocol.

By Alex Roos
14. March 2019BTC$3.866,08 -0.23%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Follow the fungible Cryptocurrency, are network Updates in the Form of Hard Forks already Routine. In 2018, focusing mainly on the functionality with the Integration of Multi-Sig Wallets and a reduction in the transaction size. On 9. March was the safety of the user and the Ecosystem at the center.

the new Features of the Hard Fork, Boron Butterfly, Version 0.14 Here.

ASIC-resistance true

Already in the beginning of 2018 rumors about Monero ASICs came up with. After the CryptoNote White Paper a crypto currency was supposed to be ASIC-resistant, and so the Community, to shake off the ASICs decided. In fact, the procedure was successful. But now, barely a year later, there seemed to be again ASICs for Monero. Because the Hash Rate had doubled over the last few months.

A Change of Boron Butterfly, the Change of the Proof-of-Work is therefore the algorithm to the crypto night-R. as a result, all existing ASICs useless.

Actually, the Hash Rate of Monero network, fell after the Hard Fork on may 9. March back rapidly. More precisely, spoken by well over 80 percent. Time of writing, the network Hash Rate has stabilized at about 300 MH/s. By the blatant waste of the delayed first Block of the Hard Fork for a good two hours. An atypically long time for Monero, in the case of a normal block time of two minutes. However, the fall is again reason to believe that there were hidden ASICs on the Monero block Chain.

the Community is now back to the debate about the long-term Plan: if you Want to shake off the ASICs or in the future-friendly compared to specialized Mining Hardware position.

The Big Bang

to avoid The security risk for the network, which eliminates Boron Butterfly, is the so-called Big-Bang-attack. About this attack vector, an attacker could exploit the dynamic block size to the Monero Blockchain in their size to explode. Due to a change in the algorithm for the dynamic block size to the risk for the time being, out of the way.

Payment IDs, and other Modifications

In addition, Version 0.14 brings some new features for users. In addition to a small optimization to the size of the Ring, Confidential Transactions (in short: RingCT), change the Payment IDs.

Payment IDs help currently, for example, for traders to identify payments for certain baskets of goods. However, since the introduction of Sub-addresses of the Monero Protocol provides an elegant solution to this Problem. The Payment IDs are now a relic of an older time, which is not essential for the application. The goal of the Monero project, therefore, is to eliminate the Payment IDs until the end of 2019.

As an intermediate step, Boron Butterfly brings, however, Payment IDs for all transactions. In this way, the homogeneity of the transactions. Because Payment IDs were previously optional, were transactions with ID.

A full list of Changes by Boron Butterfly can be found on GitHub.

be careful with the Ledger

An unpleasant side-effect of the renewed Version of the Monero Wallet, however, had already. Who uses a Ledger product with Version 1.1.3 to Manage his crypto-currencies should not touch Monero for now.

The Use of the Ledger (1.1.3) with the new Monero Client there is a Bug with the Change (exchange money). A Ledger has lost a developer over 1,600 XMR. Apparently the rest is not sent money a Outputs correctly to the transmitter.

However, the Ledger has, in the meantime, the Update 1.2.2. for the Monero Ledger App released. Thus, the error of the exchange is to be remedied.

Monero wallet update

to be now for the Hard Fork and to continue to participate in the case of Monero, you must update the Software. The first rule, before you do this, is always to have the Seed Phrase is listed. So the Wallet can always be recovered.

Since the block height 1.788.000 the Monero network is working on a new Version. Watch the settled in a conventional block Explorer. From this block height, all the users must have the Version 0.14.x.x use, otherwise they remain on the old network. The official Downloads are on the Monero Website will be available. A detailed Guide to Update the Wallet can be found on Reddit. Users of a Mobile Wallet, such as Monerujo, MyMonero or Cake Wallet will get the Updates directly from the respective App Store.

Before you Make a deal, you have to bring the Wallet to the latest version. Otherwise, the XMR does not arrive at your destination.

Who would like to be on the safe side, you can send a test transaction on the new network, and check whether it reaches your target.

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