30 plaintiffs, and plaintiffs have engaged an attorney from the EU, the establishment of a Fund for the Victims of crypto-Scams set up. For a total loss of 15 million euros, you want to be with 10 billion euros compensated.

By Christopher clover
5. June 2019BTC$7.697,00 -3.80%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The largest illegal Transfer of wealth since the Nazi period – the attorney Jonathan Levy referred to the damage caused in recent years by the crypto-Scams. Levy represents 30 plaintiffs, and plaintiffs, who have suffered according to the “crypto-currency-related crimes,” a loss of a total of about 16.8 million US dollars (about 15 million Euro). Now you ask the European Union for the establishment of a victim Fund in the amount of 11.2 billion US dollars (around 10 billion Euro). It is clear from a press release, the first of the Australian crypto-news page Mickey.com.au pre-load was.

EU funds for Bitcoin-Scam-victims

The money to fill the Fund should the EU collect the same in several Places. For a Bitcoin network node (Nodes) are in the obligation to. The Narrative of the decentralisation does not mean that crypto-were currencies before the long Arm of the Law is immune, says Levy. Each Node bearing according to the lawyers the responsibility for the entire network. Since the majority of the Bitcoin Nodes are located in the European Union, under the EU Jurisdiction, so Levy continued.

Also Facebook, in the line of fire

in addition to the Nodes will be the operators of the Bitcoin anonymization service (so-called Bitcoin mixers), as well as the Facebook group fleeced for the Bitcoin Fund. Levy sees Facebook in the responsibility, because on the platform is also fraudulent crypto-ads to be welded have been old – at least, up to the (now relaxed) crypto-prohibition of advertising on Facebook.

The establishment of a Fund was not necessary, because the masterminds of the Scams would have covered your tracks mostly:

most of The victims can only hope for a compensation from a General Fund; the Criminals are not anonymous and well hidden, you use Domain proxies, fake and stolen identities, Offshore accounts, and Bitcoin Mixing to hide from justice.

According to the press release, Levy directed the petition to the EU Commissioner for justice and consumer protection, Věra Jourová. With specific Details about the fraud, which should be succumbed to his clients, hold back Levy. He wanted to wait until the Commission has confirmed the receipt of his letter.

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