The Blockchain is conquering more and more areas of our lives and provides for transparency and, in some cases ease – of-use. Also in public transport (PT) in the Spanish capital, Madrid, the technology was introduced: An App of the Banco Santander allows you to buy bus tickets & co. via Blockchain.

By Alexandra cons
4. October 2019BTC$8.157,40 0.21%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

soon to Madrid, travelers can buy the Tickets for public transport via a Blockchain App to run. The App is a unified digital payment system, which originated from the Banco Santander in collaboration with the Blockchain certification company Vottun. The All-In-One System for all public transport in Madrid are United. After the registration, the user can not only process the payment for bus fares and taxi rides, but also the charging of electric vehicles.

Banco Santander was participating in “Madrid in Motion” part of

Vottun one of 300 Start-ups that have participated in the “Madrid in Motion”competition. At “Madrid in Motion” is an Initiative by the city transport company of Madrid (EMT). On the “Madrid in Motion”Website it says:

Madrid-in-Motion is an Initiative that includes the introduction of an open innovation program for Start-ups and innovative solutions in order to respond to the great challenges of urban mobility.

Currently, the Madrid System for the public transport is still a pure mess. The approximately 30 different companies in the EMT to offer their services on individual Apps. This means that users will need to register each App individually and authenticate. However, with the introduction of the Blockchain App could change for the Better. Among the 30 companies, among others, bus companies, Taxis, bike rentals, motorbike and car rentals, as well as the U-Bahn. Accordingly, it could be that soon all of these individual providers in the public TRANSPORT App for the course.

The App comes at the right time

According to statistics from Moovitapp the need for such a user-friendly App is anyway:

on Average, people in Madrid spend 62 minutes when Commuting in public transport. 63 percent of these travelers spends more than two hours a day in public transport.

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in Addition, the travellers for all their daily Trips used by the city usually have more than one type of public transport.

in Argentina, the users of the buses, trains and trams can access now to an interesting cryptographic Feature: Bitcoin as a means of payment for public TRANSPORT. If and when the well-known crypto-currency was introduced in the Madrid public TRANSPORT System, however, is not yet known.


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