bees that generate Blockchain-based social value? It was to see this weekend at the Berlin Art Week. A collaboration of various artists ‘ collectives in Berlin, launched a Cryptocurrency called “BeeCoin”. The special thing about it: Over the Sensors of the network nodes in order to capture the well-being of the bees go and convert the Parameter in Ethereum-based Assets. This benefits the artists for the financing of charitable projects.

From Polina Khubbeeva
16. September 2019BTC$10.155,32 -1.19%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

On the 12. September has started in the German capital, the Berlin Art Week. Among the numerous exciting Events the program and the exhibits moved in the house of the statistics (HdS) at Alexanderplatz, especially a lot of attention. The building served as the complex used to be the GDR, as the seat of the State Central administration for statistics. Today, he is a genuine place of subversive art projects by local and international Creative. One of the most exciting projects in the house the statistics of the BeeCoin is. This is, in the broadest sense, a Crowdfunding project on Blockchain-based, in which living bees play a Central role.

In several rooms of the HdS hives, which are marked with “Node” are. These draw on the well-being of the bees, by measuring parameters such as, for example, the body temperature of the animals. Due to the decentralized data storage, the recording of the values is completely transparent and safe from Hacker attacks and manipulation. The BeeCoin thus provides reliable information about the quality and health of bee hives.

What’s happening with the data of BeeCoin?

On the other side of the hive, meanwhile, can generated stakeholders from the bees and a Smart Contract as a Ether covered Shares to acquire. It’s kind of a “community Fund”, which is linked to an economic System for Crowdfunding and decision-making is created. “Of course, the Blockchain and decentralized organization technologies give us the opportunity to do so”, commented Matthias Einhoff, artistic Director of the STATISTA project and one of the leading heads of BeeCoin, on the edge of the opening 14. September.

The basis for decision-making, the Open Source Software Juggernaut is forming under it. The database System developed improvement suggestions (called Proposals) for the Protocol on the basis of the data obtained. As a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), there is Involved a week’s time to answer the Proposal with a YES or a NO. The content of this Proposal ideas for the funding of non-profit and environmental projects and similar proposals from the community Fund of the BeeCoin, however, are.

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In this sense, is the BeeCoin actually not a real Coin and not a real crypto-currency. Rather, it represents a decentralized and bees-knit Crowdfunding System, with the DAO character. The special feature of the idea is that this works financially completely independent and self-sufficient.

BeeCoin: A project of different artists-in-Berlin

BeeCoin different policy, technology, Initiated activities and creative Collective from Berlin. Originally an idea from STATISTA, an Association between the activists of the centre for art and Urbanistics (ZK/U) and the KW Institute for Contemporary Art, the artists, biologists, programmers, and crypto engineers. These include the local bee-keeping project Moabees, the communication platform art Republic, the Minimal Viable Tech (MVT) is the developer of the Nascent and the bee Monitoring project Hiveeyes.

The BeeCoin project is an Experiment in the recording of the community as an organization. And in a Form which reinforces our relationship to the bees symbiotically, and the relationships in divided communities in new ways, and

how the creators of the project a pass on your description of the BeeCoins on your Website. The BeeCoin chains on the one hand, the question as to the sustainability of biological supply. On the other hand, he blurs the boundaries between nature and society and allows the independent funding community projects through the use of the Blockchain.

to see The BeeCoin-Nodes are until the end of the year in the house of the statistics, Otto-Braun-Straße 70-72, d-10178 Berlin. The admission is free.


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