Bitcoin co. Ltd. sets the operation. The crypto-currency-trading course from Thailand will not be so longer for its customers.

By Phillip Horch
3. September 2019BTC$10.368,28 6.31%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Bitcoin co. Ltd. will not in the future offer the opportunity to buy crypto-currencies and to sell. As the Thai crypto-exchange States on its Website, which provides you your business 30. September complete:

Bitcoin co. Ltd. has decided to no longer trade, as well as Wallet support [in the crypto area] on our website, to offer. We will focus on other areas of business.

customers are therefore encouraged all Trading activities. In addition, you are to withdraw your cryptocurrencies from the side. Bitcoin co. Ltd. does not plane in addition to apply for more licenses. Your Bitcoin to be deducted from the stock exchange, have the customers up to 1. November time, after which the operation is to be set for the most part. As the operators of the stress, all user-to-Deposit safe – here it is, apparently, not an Exit Scam or similar.

Bitcoin in Thailand

The legal situation in Thailand in relation to Bitcoin & co. comparatively strict. So we received on the 7. August, the news that the Southeast Asian state wants to tighten its laws. Using stricter regulations, the government intends to combat the potential for money laundering and to implement international Standards.

Since it is in Thailand for Bitcoin exchanges duty, their activities as well as customer data to the competent authorities to be sent to. In addition, the government in Thailand want to work on your own guidelines to money laundering. In order to ensure that officials can take action in suspected cases of targeted. The government in Thailand is based on the guidelines of the Financial Action task force (FATF). This called for in June of this year that member States of the authority in transaction to provide information about recipients and senders of Bitcoin transactions, which exceed the volume of 1,000 US dollars, to the payment providers.

The Thai Stock Exchange is planning in the coming year, a Bitcoin exchange for institutional investors. With the outstanding the consent of the Supervisory authority would make it possible for users to be able to Assets such as BTC, Altcoins, and Security Token in Thailand regulated act.

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