The automotive industry and the transport sector provide for the Distributed Ledger technology (DLT) has a great potential of applications. Logistics, freight papers, electrical Load, or self-driving cars are just a few examples. Siemens wants to use the Blockchain technology for its range of business Mobility – the trend issue as a Use Case.

Brigitte Bernhardt
17. July 2019BTC$9.488,00 -8.78%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

This is Andrew child, head of the Department of Cybersecurity Technology and Blockchain said in an Interview with Forbes. After the company did a lot of research is now at a point where applications in different areas can be used, like a child. More specifically, it involves Permissioned block chains. It wants to focus Siemens on the field of business Mobility. Here, the topic of car sharing is particularly interesting, as the Blockchain expert.

Blockchain applications for better mobility

A car spontaneously rent and be able to use, even for a very short time, is, in fact, especially in large cities a more attractive Service. So, for example, the station-based Carsharing in Germany at the beginning of 2019 has recorded a growth of 21.5 percent compared to the previous year.

But the all-inclusive concept also has its pitfalls. So it is, for example, that a user must own refueling. This means that he can only approach the appropriate petrol stations, which cooperate with the car sharing provider, and a fuel card with their own PIN to use. These cards can be stolen and are often sold on the Internet. This poses a Problem for all parties Involved. This is exactly where the Blockchain comes in.

trust is good, Blockchain is better!

The Blockchain makes it possible to solve the trust Problem technically: whenever people do not know, want to go into business together. For the Carsharing, the block chain technology provides an ideal field, with advantages for all parties – from the user via the rental car company up to a variety of service providers, such as garage operators. Here is the Blockchain can ensure smooth processes, so Andreas child in the Interview.

In the mobility industry, there are already numerous Blockchain projects, for example when it comes to flexible access rights, or to Autonomous Driving. Siemens has already been working for years with a future-oriented Distributed Ledger applications. Among other things, the tradition aims to promote the energy turnaround company with the help of the Blockchain technology. A current contribution to LO3 Energy, in which Siemens has invested, can be found here.

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