The South Korean mobile platform, cocoa is a Blockchain-idea competition. Up to the 15. August can submit the participating team’s designs for so-called Webapps, and so in prize money to compete.

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Even ten years after the publication of the Bitcoin White Paper of the Blockchain technology, the mass-market breakthrough is not managed yet. Despite the diverse application areas, there are hardly any applications which are supported by a broad user base.

wants to change This Klaytn, the DLT-an offshoot of South Korea’s leading mobile platform cocoa, now. Because, as a press release indicates, aligns Klaytn a “BApp Competition”. Contrary to the popular designation of dAapp (decentralized application) is used in the competition, the concept of BApp (Blockchain application) to use. The company justified this as follows:

decentralization [is] only one of the many benefits for users of […], as a result, the combination of the Blockchain technology and Klaytn Services.

How you can participate

individuals or Teams with no restriction on the number of members can Participate. The creativity are no limits. Finally, the participants can not only select the audience for your Blockchain application as well as the industry itself.

in Total, there are according to prize money in the amount of one Million US dollars to won. Therefore, the best five Teams will receive US $ 100,000, the second-best five Teams per 50,000 US dollars, and finally, for the third-best five Teams to win $ 30,000.

Jason Han, the CEO of Ground X (responsible for the development and operation of the Klaytn platform), said:

Our Klaytn Horizon so that we expand our Ecosystem and great Blockchain-service providers for a potential partnership can find is designed. We hope to see strong interest among developers, to help together with Klaytn the Blockchain on a broad Front to make the breakthrough.

submissions accepted Klaytn Horizon from 1. July of this year; the winner will Klaytn on 30. September announce.

Blockchain or Bitcoin?

the suitability of the Distributed Ledger technology for decentralized applications, the crypto-community is quarreling on a regular basis. As a prominent example for the conflict in the field of tension Blockchain or Bitcoin the bet between Joe Lubin (Ethereum co-founder) and Jimmy’s Song (Bitcoin Enthusiast, and Partner of Blockchain Capital) applies. Lubin BTC keeps for a brilliant product. At the same time, he believes, in contrast to the Song of the variety of uses for Blockchain technologies. By 2023, the bet between the two preachers, we reported to be running.

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