The düsseldorf-based Start-up, retraced to ensure more transparency in the supply chain of fashion items. For the young, by the American IT giant Oracle-supported company is relying on the Blockchain technology. By using QR Codes and NFC Chips to be able to check say the buyer via the App is a product on the heart and the kidney: origin of the raw materials and manufacturing conditions.

By Christopher clover
On 7. August 2019BTC$12.003,00 2.39%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

For the Shoe label of CANO, which was also lifted from the retraced-founders of the baptism, the technology is already in use. Via the App, customers can obtain extensive, in a Blockchain stored information about the newly acquired footwear. These extend from the origin of the material used, the place of production of the shoes to the identity of the craftsman who made the shoes. Also, the App gives you information about how many kilometers had to put back a product until it arrived at the customer.

a Positive response from retraced customers

so Far, the Feedback has been positive, writes retraced co-founder Luke Pünder:

We hear a lot of enthusiastic customers, who find it great that you can look with retraced behind the Scenes and see the people behind the products. Since we use real names, you could, theoretically, run in the holidays and the manufacturer […] of the meeting. Everything is genuine and authentic thanks to the Blockchain,

so Pünder in a user report, the BTC-ECHO is present.

The technological backbone for the Blockchain-based supply chain monitoring Oracle Enterprise Blockchain-platform-forms.

especially for Start-ups, it is an incredibly large opportunity to be able to all of these technologies and also the Support of such a renowned and experienced provider such as Oracle trust,

Pünder says. retraced is planning the inclusion of other manufacturer for the third quarter of 2019. Until the summer of 2020, the düsseldorf-based Start-up wants to have involved up to 100,000 products in its Ecosystem.

Blockchain and chains

ran The Monitoring of supply chains by means of Blockchain technology is also outside of the fashion industry growing in popularity. After the logistics industry, pioneered for example in the Form of the Blockchain solution TradeLens of IBM and the Danish logistics company Maersk discover other sectors, the benefits of a transparent supply chain for themselves.

Until Recently, the automobile manufacturer Volvo, known for its batteries needed metal cobalt to want in the future from ethically acceptable sources. Volvo relies on a Blockchain solution developed by Oracle in cooperation with the British Start-up Circulor. Also the one or the other food can be per Blockchain traced. Among other things, Walmart and Carrefour are currently testing the decentralized technology for this purpose.

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