The canadian Top University UBC starts in January 2020, an interdisciplinary Blockchain and DLT-Training. The Initiative is financed in part by the pharmaceutical group Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada).

By Christopher clover
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The canadian University of British Columbia (UBC) launches a training program for Blockchain and Distributed Ledger technologies. The Training is aimed at graduates with a master’s degree and post-doctoral researchers from various disciplines.

there are four potential areas of application for the Blockchain and Distributed Ledger technologies, especially in the foreground. In addition to the healthcare, renewable energy and regulatory technologies, including a genuine canadian issue of the curriculum of the UBC-training: issues of the indigenous population of Canada is found.

The Blockchain Training is co-financed by companies from the private sector. For example, the canadian subsidiary of the German Pharma is here to name a group Boehringer Ingelheim. Boehringer Ingelheim studied already for a Long time, the possibilities of application of the Blockchain technology for health care. The Pharma has done business with the IT giant IBM. The focus of the in February 2019 announced cooperation, the manipulation is resistant to archiving of medical data. Among other things, to ensure the credibility of medical studies.

Blockchain-study with the kind support of the economy

From the cooperation with the UBC, the group expects the building of the academic Foundation of future technology of the Blockchain.

We are offering proud to be a part of a cooperation, which is considered to be the first in Canada, the graduate is a multi-disciplinary training in Blockchain technology and the next Generation of innovators developed,

Uli Brödl, Vice President for medical and regulatory Affairs at Boehringer Ingelheim Canada, commented. And continues:

This collaboration will allow us the knowledge base and the expertise of the scientists knowledge to expand, to take advantage of the value of the Blockchain technology in health care.

in addition to the pharmaceutical companies 14 other companies and organizations also participate financially in the Blockchain-Training of the UBC. Thus, the Non-Profit Organisation Matic financed, for example, the Training with 1,324 million US dollars. The CEO explains the Motivation behind the participation of:

Mitacs is pleased to support the Blockchain-the Initiative of the UBC, the innovations and the training of highly qualified talents, to strengthen Canada’s leadership role in this emerging area of multidisciplinary research and business development.

The Initiative will begin in January 2020. Up to the year 2026 to DLT from the Training 139 interdisciplinary experts to emerge.

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