The Chinese research Institute CCID has examined the domestic industry parks, aimed at driving the development of Blockchain-technologies in the country. On the one hand, the report reflects the rapid growth of the industry. On the other hand, the researchers show that a majority of the Parks are still in development. More than 70 percent of the companies were from government grants and subsidies-dependent. Due to the tremendous regional concentration, the report also warns of an impending tunnel vision of the developer, and prevent future innovation.

By David Barkhausen
5. August 2019BTC$11.742,00 9.63%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

China is regarded as a pioneer in the area of Distributed Ledger technologies (DLT). Each year, the Central government pumps in the middle Kingdom million in their development, in order to exploit the growth potential of the Blockchain for their economic advancement and to make the Land until 2049 to be the worldwide industry leader.

A study by the state research Institute of China Electronic Information Industry Development (CCID) now sheds light on the extent of the Chinese commitment. For your “2019 China Blockchain Industrial Park Development Report”, the government Agency together with the media platform Interchain Pulse, the choice of location, competitiveness and the related future examines the prospects of the country-wide industrial parks for DLT-development. The results of the report present both since this Tuesday, the 30. July, on your Website.

This mirrors the rapid growth of the Chinese Blockchain-industry. According to the report, it should give in the country currently, 22 such industrial parks. Of which not less than 80 percent will be shot in the past two years.

the regional development mainly focuses on the coastal areas and special economic zones in the South and East of the country. More than half of the Blockchain Hubs are located in the Industrial cities of Hangzhou, Guangzhou, and Shanghai. 60 percent of all investment money to flow here.

What sounds for the Region are promising, the researchers are, however, critical. The report warns, on the one hand, the Rest of the country could be suspended from the concentrated growth. Because anyway most of already built infrastructure remains unused.

on the Other hand, effects of the DC circuit, homogenization, and a Tunnel vision of the company, threatened to the Blockchain Hubs of the coastal cities instead of synergies. While many of these Parks in the Blockchain areas on a single application is limited, the course there is a risk that future innovations will fall under the table.

subsidies to keep most of the Blockchain-business live

at the same time reflects the report that, contrary to every public hype, the majority of the Chinese Blockchain engagement is currently in development status. More than 70 percent of the industrial parks of the state subsidies were dependent and could generate without the financial injections from the government at no Profit.

In view of other future Blockchain-Parks, the report warns, with regard to all concerns to vision.

According to the current development, most of the current companies are not set up in the Blockchain-Park ideal. The vacancy rate is relatively high.

as the planning of a Surplus of unused infrastructure threatened. This risk of asking for vigilance from the competent decision-makers.

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