Dr. Julian Hosp is one of the best-known minds in the German-speaking Bitcoin and Blockchain Community. With its numerous lectures, books and YouTube presentations, he has set himself the goal is to make people “cryptofit”. Accordingly, he belongs to the group of publishers, ergo, publishers, media platforms, or bloggers, who produce content, in order to make them accessible to the General Public. In this context, the question of how crypto-currencies and Blockchain solutions can change the world of publishing in the future. We have asked according to his estimates, and on the opportunities of micro-transactions is spoken.

By Sven Wagenknecht
20. July 2019BTC$of 10,617,00 0.65%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

BTC-ECHO in an Interview with Julian Hosp: on the future of Content Publishing.

BTC-ECHO: Also, you post regular media content, be it books or YouTube Videos. Where do you see, in this connection, processes and interfaces that can enhance the Blockchain technology?

Julian Hosp: I think that users just want to complete no subscription and more, but in the content are interested. For Blockchain applications such as Browser Plug-ins or micro-transactions very interesting. For the individual user so that an article can cost only a few Cents; if you add that to the total number of users is high, it is also the Medium in very interesting. Just like YouTube, publishers can be paid for media content.

BTC-ECHO: do you Think that traditional media houses and publishers are prepared in a timely manner Blockchain Features, such as payments with crypto-currencies use?

Julian Hosp: Yes and no. I think until you can solve with Blockchain solutions really problems, it still takes some. However, such concepts of Content monetization are becoming more and more popular. Look, for example, Amazon Unlimited. So that users can read for ten euros a month as many Kindle books as you want. Solutions such as SatoshiPay are conceptually very similar, with the difference that there is no subscription structure, which is bound to a single Medium, but per article is paid. And since I could imagine that the through sets.

BTC-ECHO: A Problem list, many publishers of Online content, the “Free mentality” the potential readers and users. You see here the Chance that it can improve the willingness to pay for content behind a PayWall, if the payment models user-friendly?

Julian Hosp: Yes, definitely. The user-friendliness is the sticking point. If there is a simple Browser Plug-in and the prices per item are transparent and not excessively high, it should change the mentality to each case. Because no one will complain, per month, two to three euros for good content.

Julian Hosp to monthly subscriptions: “the Problem is the Intransparzenz”

BTC-ECHO: is to pay you Were because more willing, for example for Online article, if you had to purchase a subscription?

Julian Hosp: I myself have no digital monthly subscriptions, because I use it too little. At the same time, however, many situations in which the reading of articles with the completion of monthly subscriptions is linked and I can’t read unfortunately. The Problem of recurring monthly periods is the lack of transparency in the terms of the notice. I then rather. This transparency could improve by using a Blockchain is quite.

BTC-ECHO: A Start-up, the micro-transactions for Online journalism on Blockchain-based offering, is as you just listed already have, SatoshiPay. Also BTC-ECHO cooperates Recently with the Micropayments provider. Instead of Bitcoin, as originally planned, the Stellar Blockchain to use. How would you rate the Stellar Blockchain? A good choice?

Julian Hosp: I am the Stellar Blockchain skeptical. I don’t think Stellar is really decentralized. In addition, there were situations where she was for hours simply offline – this should not happen. I’m not a Bitcoin Maximalist. But currently, I see many Strengths in the case of Bitcoin.

However, one must also say that, for example, in the area of Micropayments, Bitcoin is currently the drug of choice. Lightning still does not work so well, the Use Case Micropayments is good enough to implement. Currently, therefore, it is difficult to find a better solution than Stellar.

BTC-ECHO: What crypto currencies are, in your opinion, also good for micro-transactions?

Julian Hosp: I think in terms of decentralization, Bitcoin will be incredibly strong. Also Lightning is very interesting. Because micro-transactions does not have to be the entire network updated, this Second-Layer solutions are ideal.

“The question isn’t when to or sell

BTC-ECHO: apart from the issue of Micropayments to buy”. How is it actually with you now, after you left TenX? Can you tell us more about your new projects?

Julian Hosp: in the Meantime, I can tell you more about my projects. I’ll go into Decentralized Finance (DeFi). That is, I want to work on the Disruption in the FinTech area. To me it is all about, to develop Cash-Flow solutions in the crypto-field. The question is not when to buy or sell, but, just as in the case of real estate the creation of new Assets in the Defined area. Examples of this are the Bitcoin Lending, so, for example, the Award of Peer-to-Peer lending, as well as the Staking as in the case of Dash would be. So you can create step-by-step Assets in the crypto area.

in the long run, the tokenization of existing Assets is highly interesting. In the long term can be thought of as, a Cash Flow purely on the token base. My business partner and I are going in July with our new project in the Defined area.

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The knight blow for Bitcoin and Libra: The US policy it gets the fear to do a 5-Stellar projects, to observe the worth Of journalism is dead, journalism: SatoshiPay and BTC live-ECHO new paths#Julian Hosp#Paywall#SatoshiPay