the The Berlin-based Start-up Lukso wants to use the technology that was once with Bitcoin in our attention to to revolutionize the Creative industry. In the future, therefore, products from the fields of fashion, Lifestyle and luxury should find their place on it’s own Blockchain. For the implementation, the company released a 100-page blueprint.

By Phillip Horch
21. April 2019 BTC$held 5,252,00 -1.15% part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

That the Blockchain technology goes far beyond financial services à la Bitcoin, Ripple & co., is not only since the Smart Contracts Ethereum known. In principle, everything that management needed and in this context, it is more efficient to run on a Blockchain to store, retrieve, and transparent back track can be. The Berlin-based Start-up Lukso wants to do.

Lukso want to in a creative industry revolutionize

Because, from a press release, the BTC-ECHO exists, the company plans to popularize the luxury goods “block chain”. It is said in the Lukso-blueprint to your project:

aligned to The Lukso-network is specifically on the nature of the modern Lifestyle industry. It allows the Lifestyle-, fashion-, media – and design spaces, innovations around the core issues of the future creative work. This includes how Creative your Communities and projects co-ordinate with consumers and employees to work together, their interactions can automate your transactions, trust. It re-defines how Assets managed, collections, presents, and brands can be experienced. It is the technological Playground for Creative minds to design new Trends and to develop their creative force.

in order To implement this goal, to beat the company, the bridge between the digital and the analog world. Instead of producing “only” exclusive goods, they should be verifiable via Blockchain – unique produces. The Motto here is: personalization instead of customization. The incentives are supposed to develop in two directions. For one, producers of goods have the opportunity and the pressure to design is actually unique products. On the other, the “Generation Z” the Digital Natives, incentives to get, to consume the unique products. Finally, the key words individualization, and uniqueness in a social media by the digital profile-the world set goals, to be achieved for the (Self-)profiling at all levels. to want to

property of Creative on the Blockchain

Without those (self -) uniqueness created in question: The project of Lukso has company, in each case, a value for the digital consumer. Digital property, its value, and cultural implementation of creative services, whose place belongs in the hands of centralized owners. The possibilities of Blockchain technology to provide incentives, which can set the administrative power of creativity back in the hands of the Creator: to use

the technological and social progress, is in need of more space is a common digital Ecosystem, and can use [the creative industries], as the Basis for their cooperation and collaboration,

it is called in the blueprint to Lukso-project accordingly. The Lukso-network to help the creative industries, ultimately, more independence and more responsibility. For increased efficiency, the Blockchain can help technology to automate processes, property rights secure, and to help the individual participants more autonomy.

Tokenization of relationships through the Lukso-Coin

of Course, such a Blockchain project is not without its own Token. Just the possession of rights, but also internal evaluations of the offered goods, and the pricing should run about the internal Token. In addition, the Token to be customizable. Relations between consumers and producers, as well as security, transparency, and Transferability should get the Token in the Lukso-Ecosystem, effective Use.

More to the Lukso-project you can find on the official Homepage.

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