The buyer will want to know where their food comes from and who has produced them. Accordingly, companies are under increasing pressure, pertinent information to disclose. Numerous food scandals have also damaged confidence in the industry. MasterCard is aware of this Problem and would now like to build with Envisible a transparent tracking System for food.

By Alexandra cons
28. October 2019BTC$9.379,15 2.22%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

It is no secret that trust in the food industry is forever weakened. This is not only due to one or other of the food scandal, but also because of the dubious production and practices of food manufacturers. Consumers don’t want to buy longer the cat in the bag, and the Blockchain is supposed to help. MasterCard and the Blockchain-companies Envisible to work together now to ensure more transparency in the tracking of the food supply chains. In order for the company to penetrate in a territory, in so far, especially the US-American retail giant Walmart pioneer does work.

The whole chain traceability system of Envisible is powered by the block chain-based solution from MasterCard. Will use this Blockchain-solution first of all, Topco Associates, LLC, a leading US-based food cooperative.

Come to morals and ethics in food production only by using the MasterCard Blockchain on the table?

The first field of application of the whole-chain solution will be the Tracking of salmon, cod and shrimp. Topco is working closely with the food chains of its members, such as Food City,. In the long term the compliance with the environmental legislation should be improved. In an article from Businesswire dated 27. October came and Scott Caro, Senior Vice President of Fresh, Topco, to word:

in view of the expectations of consumers for reliable information about the foods we are pleased that Food City and Envisible a partnership for this pilot project with traceability and origin of solutions, and the promise of whole chain solution Envisible to respond.

The company will introduce its new Blockchain solution of 27. up to 30. October at the MasterCard booth (No. 5108) on the Money20/20 in Las Vegas to introduce. And this is not the first Blockchain-project, the payment provider handles. The company, with over 100 logged in the Blockchain patents to the Top 3 of the Blockchain innovators. The company has built up a trusted Blockchain network. It is therefore not surprising that the food industry relies on the services of MasterCard. The only question is whether the System of manipulation is actually as secure as MasterCard claims like.

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Dan Glei, Executive Vice President, Merchandising and Marketing, explains: “by Using Envisible whole chain, supported by MasterCard, can our food retailer in case of unfortunate events such as call-backs with confidence shelves bearings and problems in the food chain to recognize.”

For the company POPs out with the participation of the opportunity, the product travels to keep track of. Furthermore, the food quality of the company might be able to identify vulnerabilities faster and fix. Furthermore, the participants want to increase the confidence in the hard-to-overview of the market. Mark Kaplan, Partner, Envisible, explains:

The sheer volume of global trade makes it difficult to track the journey and the authenticity of the food. We are delighted that MasterCard shares our Vision and the consumer confidence strengthens in that it brings in its comprehensive Know-how in relation to the use of technologies in a scale with first-class processing speeds, data flexibility, and data protection as well as safety standards in an area that was previously substantially opaque.

Now the question is, how big is the consumer confidence in the MasterCard is the solution. The MasterCard can-the Blockchain is the ethics and morality again in this sector of the economy move in?


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