That the Blockchain technology that is created is of dynamic processes in real time to keep track of, is hinlängst known. Also, the Chinese offshoot of Mercedes-Benz will make this aspect of the technology in the future-to-Use: In cooperation with the Start-up of Plato, he developed a platform for Tracking the value of used cars.

By Anton Livshits
3. September 2019BTC$10.603,44 7.15%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The Chinese offshoot of Mercedes-Benz technology gets soon a logical Update. Because the Tech Start-up Plato developed a block chain-based “platform for the rest of the value to management of vehicles” to the Beijing-based Mercedes-Benz Sales Service.

As the industry information page Electronic Specifier reported, allowed the platform to calculate the residual value of a vehicle. For that, they processed a Mix of static and dynamic data. The platform allows for such a value of the tracking over the entire life cycle of the Automobile across. The platform will be open to only Mercedes-Benz. Other for the used car market-relevant parties to get access. Including the state authorized car dealers and private car owners.

platform stemmed from Daimler’s Start-up support programme

The used platform is the result of Plato’s participation in the Start-up highway, a Start-up incubator from the Mercedes-Benz parent company Daimler. The innovation platform would like to promote Start-ups in the area of Mobility. Start-ups will receive a 100-day Support, plus technical Supervision.

Consequently, it is not surprising that Ada Xiao, CSO of Plato, stressed in the Statement, the innovation, the cooperation with Mercedes-Benz:

From electric vehicles to driverless cars. New technologies have shaped the innovation curve in the automotive industry quickly to a more safety-and sustainability-oriented model.

you also said:

With over 6.5 million of them in China traded a used car alone in the first half of the year, we hope that our cooperation with the BMBS [Beijing Mercedes Benz Sales Service] will highlight the need for more sophisticated data collection systems to monitor the value of the vehicles, which include the extensive Chinese used-car market, exactly.

Mercedes-Benz and Daimler and other Blockchain projects

Both the car manufacturers of the Mercedes involved-Benz as well as its parent company research in addition, other possible applications for the Blockchain technology. Mercedes-Benz launched so, for example, already in February, in cooperation with Icertis, a provider of Cloud services for businesses, developed the Blockchain prototypes. The Blockchain is here to come to the Tracking of supply and value creation chains. The company promises, the project, in particular, a gain in terms of transparency and sustainability.

The parent company, Daimler is also working on a competitive platform to Uber. In cooperation with four German Start-ups emerging Mobility Blockchain platform to open up a driving service providers the opportunity to compete for the favor of the customer.

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