MOB: BMW, Ford and other automobile companies are launching a Blockchain-based solution for identity standards for mobile vehicles.

From Polina Khubbeeva
19. July 2019BTC$10.329,00 drew up 9.87%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative (short MOBI) in a workgroup with the name of car manufacturers, an identity standard on the Blockchain. According to a press release, the Vehicle Identity Standard (VID) the first identification system for vehicles, which is the Blockchain technology involved.

MOBI among other things, the Renault Group, Ford, General Motors (GM), Honda and BMW are. A total of 20 actors participated in the project. Also Hyper Ledger took part in the design of the VID. Ford and Renault led the working group apparently.

VID: The great Blockchain throw the car industry?

According to the MOBI of the VID is aiming for, however, nothing Less, to be used as the basis for the car industry of the future. He aims to help car manufacturers, for example, to increase road safety and reduce CO2 emissions.

The first phase of the project involves equipping newly manufactured vehicles with the VID. It is the potential that events in the vehicle history record and keep track of persists.

cases these include, for example, change of ownership, repairs and insurance. This Tracking of key events is the key result of the installation of a identity standards in cars. “The result is a trusted and immutable record of the vehicle history and the use of data”, reads the press release.

The Use of the Blockchain for the VID

Chris Ballinger, founder and CEO of MOBI, is in addition to the advantages of a block chain-based vehicle identification.

A Blockchain-identity standard allows a number of mobility applications. This result then chains in a more efficient supply, lower spending, and safer roads. We hope that these Standards, ultimately, greener, safer and more liveable urban environments are concerned. This is done through use-based payments for Overuse, pollution, and infrastructure.

As an integrated project of various companies, which deal with the future of mobility, the Vehicle Identity Standard, however, a first step towards a digital Revolution in the car industry. The dedicated use of the Blockchain technology for this purpose indicates a real change in the boards of large companies.

These seem to be the usefulness of the Blockchain for the security of your IT infrastructure is recognized. So Sebastian Henot of Renault, Chairman of the OID working group stated, also: “The creation of a Blockchain is a “digital asset.” This will enable the connected car, mobile, to identify safe, exchange data and interact with other vehicles, the infrastructure and environment inter.“

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