The Swisscom Blockchain AG for your new identity solution Seraph ID on the NEO-Blockchain. Seraph ID to make the Management personenbez Ogre data safer and more controlled. A Demonstration for the use of Seraph ID supplied by the developer is the same.

By Christopher clover
24. July 2019BTC$10.072,00 3.72%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Swisscom Blockchain AG has a decentralized identity solution for the NEO-Blockchain launched. NEO Seraph ID – the Name of the Software is to give users a solution for self-determined management of their personal data. At the same time Seraph ID to enable the Review of individual data, without any storage on centralized servers.

In the White Paper to emphasize the Seraph ID, the authors of the importance of identity in the digital era:

Bank details, home addresses, personal pictures, private emails, and much more. All of this information make up what we call ‘identity’. Any theft of this data could have a potentially negative impact on the integrity of the identity of a user [ … ]. It can have consequences lasting impact and catastrophic, such as when a Crime with your stolen identity is to be committed or you will be damaged.

the remedy is to create a concept that “Self-sovereign identity” (SSI) calls. SSI describes the full power of a Individums (or a company) on their own data. This also means that you will always have the control over with whom they share which data.

Decentralized systems, such as a Blockchain to provide for the development of SSI solutions, among other reasons, because it is for an attacker is hardly practicable, Changes against the consensus in the network. On the other hand can wreak with a Central storage of data, a single attack of devastating damage.

Why NEO?

is Why the choice fell of the platform on NEO, explains the Swisscom Blockchain AG also in the White Paper:

NEO is a well-established and recognized Partner in the Blockchain area, and meets all of the requirements for the construction of a Self-Sovereign Identity Solution is required (e.g., Smart Contracts, Public Blockchain). Since we are already working closely with the NEO Team, we have decided to use as our underlying platform, NEO.

With the Launch of Seraph ID, the developers also released an interactive Demo, which presents a potential Use Case for the digital identity opportunity.

visitors of can make on the basis of the booking of a property, there is a picture of the SSI solution Seraph ID. This is done by insight in the role of in the process of Identification of the parties involved is granted by the consumer via the state up to the travel Agency. Of course, the example requires a state that has already been used to identify the system on the NEO base.

With the Start of the Live Demo, the publication of various tools for NEO developers went hand in hand. This is to facilitate the implementation of Seraph ID in NEO-dApps. The Swisscom Blockchain AG marks the completion of Phase 2 of its Seraph-ID Roadmap. Next, an Offline follow-Wallet for secure Storing of identity-related data.

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