The U.S. fishing company Raw Seafoods has joined as the youngest member of the food platform Food Trust of IBM. Using the Blockchain solution, the fishermen want to protect the supply chains of Atlantic scallops. The Marketing campaign is to ensure transparency, food security, sustainable catch, and thus customer confidence.

By David Barkhausen
18. October 2019BTC$9.652,64 7.12%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

nSei there is the danger of Overfishing, the suspicious view of the catch date or the search for the Eco-label – no food will be taken from customers at the point of purchase with such Argus eyes under the microscope like fish. This is especially true for highly perishable fresh seafood. The result: Although the consumption of fish is increasing worldwide. You believe in statistics, but the world is less and less fresh wild-catch to the plate. Aquacultures are becoming more and more popular.

fishing businesses fear, this Worry, they might mean in the future, the individual industry branches. Raw Seafoods from the U.S. state of Massachusetts wants to announce this to the concerns now by using the Blockchain technology the fight.

IBM platform to. trust

As the Software provider IBM this Thursday, the 17th back up October, on his Website proclaims, has joined the fishing business, as the youngest member of the food platform, the IBM Food Trust. Using the Blockchain Software, the two companies want to secure the shells together the supply chains of the North Atlantic Jakob. So you want to ensure the transparency, food security, sustainable catch, and thus customer confidence.

for This purpose, the shell catcher of Raw Seafoods store in the future, all fishing information to place on the Food-Trust database. These will then be shared automatically with all members of the supply chain. Using the catch data can make sure distributors, supermarkets and Restaurants, then the quality of their goods.

the Blockchain [technology] will help processors of seafood suppliers, retailers and even chefs to set the bar for your customers higher. If a chef believes in one of our partner restaurants, by him purchased of Jacob to sandy are, clams, he can now buy the captain of the boat calls, which has been caught,

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Dan McQuade, chief Marketing officer of Raw Seafoods, and convinced of the Initiative.

the project, now hopes to be a role model for the entire fishing industry. Because not only scallops, but especially in the case of imported Premium fish such as king crab from Alaska, the supply chain is often difficult to understand. Labels dizziness is rarely on the agenda.

in view of the steadily increasing fish consumption and, consequently, ubiquitous warnings of Overfishing of the world’s oceans from environmental and consumer advocates, is not one of the Atlantic scallop, however, to the endangered species. Marketing initiatives, such as the Food Trust, the lead to the concerned consumer this in mind, could thus become a major lifeline for the fishing industry.

Blockchain-supply chains are a tried and tested recipe

New to the idea, however, is not. The origin of foodstuffs is one of the most promising and often-proven areas of application of the Blockchain technology. In the past, have brought in addition to the consultants from Deloitte, the environmentalists from the WWF or the Viennese Start-up Crypto Future is already multiple companies forays into the game, which should particularly protect the supply chains of fish.

By the Software Giant IBM may include Raw Seafoods on a wide range of prior knowledge. Among the clients of the Blockchain platform in the US already-the industry Association National Fisheries Institute and the Ecuadorian crab fishing Sustainable Shrimp partnership (SSP). In addition, Food white Trust with Douwe Egberts, Nestlé, Albertsons, Carrefour, or Walmart, many global companies with supply-sensitive supply chains among its users.


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