Swisscom and dloop to provide you with the NOOW-App art on the Blockchain. Swisscom customers can use the living room as a gallery and rare digital works of art present on the TV screen.

On the 27. May 2019BTC$8.762,00 -0.91%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

at the Crypto Valley: In cooperation with the Swiss telecommunications company Swisscom, the crypto Start-up dloop has developed an App, with the help of artists, their rights to the image control. To ensure this is a Blockchain Protocol.

First of all, Swisscom undertakes to take 100 digital artworks from 30 different artists in the program. Customers in the Entertainment-subscription, Swisscom TV will then be able to access the curated art database, and certified copies of the Work to buy. This is from a press release, Swisscom, at 22. May has published.

The work of art in the age of its technical reproducibility

response the System should give to the problems associated with technical reproducibility of works of art. In particular, in the Digital Copy of Work is a mass, hardly anything in the way. Art, however, no mass-product. Finally, the value of Work is fed, among other things, of their rarity.

This rarity wants to guarantee the dloop with the NOOW App. This is because, on Swisscom TV, only a certain number of Works are always available. Due to this shortage, the value of the Work is expected to rise as a collective object. Walter Benjamin would have had his joy in the Blockchain.

“NOOW makes digital art into a collector’s object and creates a value,” summarizes dloop-CEO Tom Rieder of the promises of the system.

Furthermore, the curator, Stefanie Marlene Wenger for the selection of the on NOOW available Work responsible for planning the next steps:

it is not just the creation of a virtual gallery, but in the next step, also curated exhibitions on the platform and in close cooperation with galleries.

the buyer of the digital Work to know, however, how many copies of the works are in circulation. This is for the first time through the Blockchain possible.

Swisscom promotes crypto Start-ups

The collaboration between the two companies is no coincidence. Finally, the Swiss telecommunications provider has a private grant program, called Kickbox. Out of the haze circle dloop comes. Also in terms of Blockchain-promotion, Swisscom is not a blank slate. Already in 2017, the company founded its own Blockchain branch.

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Lukas Hollow is the new CEO of Swisscom Blockchain AG Deutsche Börse: partnership with a Swiss company for digital Assets Bitcoin ATM manufacturer Lamassu finds new home in Luzern