The Swiss University of St. Gallen says fake diplomatic battle. Using the Blockchain technology, the formation will bind the institution Certificate falsification. Apparently, it is in recent years, a growing number of fraud incidents of this type come. The University of Basel from stores since 2018, the certificates on the Blockchain. Also, the Ministry of education in Malaysia developed similar strategies in the fight against forgery.

From Polina Khubbeeva
24. September 2019BTC$9.508,77 -3.43%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

In an Interview with CNN Money in Switzerland, a spokesman for the University of St. Gallen, reported on a Blockchain-project to combat falsification of documents. The on 19. September published Video, according to the Swiss Institution developed a System for the reliable Verification of academic qualifications.

Apparently, an increased need for such structures in the world. UNESCO identified academic fraud, for example, as a real industry. Up to 200,000 Fake Diploma circulating thus. Originally, students received their final document in PDF Form. A forgery was so very easy. Previously required of University staff a lot of time and used a high bureaucratic effort for the Verification of certificates. This lasted in some cases even several days. The IT Manager at the University of St. Gallen, Harald Rotter, has the rest:

I saw that, it may be necessary and a meaningful scope of application is to submit our diplomas by using a block chain based digital process and easier to verify.

University of St. Gallen cooperates with Blockchain Start-up

The University of St. Gallen cooperates in the development of the project with the Blockchain Start-up block factory. Together, the Stakeholders in a certification mechanism, which is the University’s financial statements tinkering anchored on the Ethereum Blockchain. Thus, the decentralized storage makes the testimonies of the immutable – and therefore counterfeit-proof. The students will then receive a digital certificate.

the data, which would save the University of St. Gallen in the future on the Blockchain, are, for example, the Name and the grades of the students. The introduction of this new system is still scheduled for October 2019. Meanwhile, the University of St. Gallen with more than 9,000 students enrolled in one of the largest educational institutions in Switzerland. Up to the year 2020, the University aims to spend up to 200 certificates by using the technology of Bitcoin & co.

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Meanwhile, there are not only in Switzerland but also worldwide, a similar effort to combat the falsification of documents by using the Blockchain. In addition to the University of St. Gallen the University of Basel has already been 2018 block chain-based storage methods for academic certificates. Furthermore, the Ministry of culture uses in Malaysia such strategies against fraudsters. The project of the Malaysian Ministry based in contrast to the the University of St. Gallen, however, the NEM Blockchain. It bears the name of E-Skrol.


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