The Massachusetts Institute for Technology (mit) has designed a learning platform for companies. The Central contents are Blockchain, robotics, and Artificial intelligence.

Max Halder
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The Blockchain technology will be adapted according to the Gartner Hype Cycle in just a few years by a variety of companies. In order for this adaptation to succeed, it requires, however, appropriate educational services. Although there are already some courses in terms of the Blockchain, as well as postgraduate courses; however, not able to rely on an entrepreneur only to fresh graduates. One approach to help companies update your knowledge, is the e-learning platform “Horizon” of the Massachusetts Institute for Technology (mit). As the crypto-Blog Ledger Insights reported, has now registered with the computer manufacturer HP to Horizon.


The virtual learning environment should be according to the Homepage part of this project “Open Learning”. The latter aims to provide Lectures and educational materials available free of charge. The Motivation behind the Open Learning describes this as:

[…] to expand the Knowledge of students in science, technology, and other taught disciplines of training. Thus, the Nation, and the world of the 21st century. Century best served.

in addition to the Blockchain-the basics there is to be on the Horizon also content to Artificial intelligence, 3D printers and robotics. Too expensive and time-intensive companies patch developments are. This is a gap to fill WITH, apparently. Articles, Videos and Podcasts to make Learning in work groups easier. Through this project, Sanjay Sarma from mit:

technologies means developing incredibly fast. We see, in the us the responsibility for these development environments, learning to create, so that today’s workers can keep up with the changes.


in fact, has made the Elite College, already successful pioneering work in the field of Blockchain-certificates. Through the development of the so-called Blockcerts a Standard was to be stored in the documents, such as diplomas or health data is already on the Blockchain. On the subject of Libra, the Name also appears WITH A researcher of the Institute is to contribute to the development of the Facebook Coins. Possibly one of the advantages for the WITH is in this networking. Since which Amsted by Industries has registered on the Horizon, there is a further connection to a multi-billion dollar US Corporation.


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