The investigation started after a complaint for non-payment of wages to 600 workers


The National Police has dismantled a criminal organization that, through a private security company, was allegedly engaged in money laundering and that would have defrauded Social Security of more than 6.5 million euros, an operation that has so far ended with 23 arrested in the provinces of Seville, Almería and Barcelona, ??although new arrests are not ruled out.

The police investigations point to an alleged Social Security fraud amounting to 6,576,558.31 euros and a debt with the Tax Agency of 1,700,000 euros, as reported by the Police on Monday in an informative note.

According to the Police, the alleged fraudulent activity was carried out by a private security company that stopped paying the workers and illegally transferred its services and billing to another security company.

In nine searches, the agents have seized 127,195 euros and 1,225 US dollars in cash, in addition to seven vehicles, three pistols -one of them a detonator-, a pellet gun and a large number of bladed weapons such as catanas, knives, knives and daggers, as well as small arms ammunition.

The participation of 26 people has been verified and so far 23 have been arrested in Barcelona, ??in the Almeria town of Albox and in the Sevillian municipalities of Dos Hermanas, Alcalá de Guadaíra, Carmona, Villaverde del Río and Seville capital.

The investigation began in March 2022 as a result of a complaint against a private security company that had not paid the salaries of 600 workers since December 2021.

Likewise, the company collected billing from its clients and transferred clients and contracts to other companies, with the aim — according to the Police — of decapitalizing the aforementioned business, while avoiding the obligatory payments to its creditors.

In addition, the complaint indicated that the company’s managers, arrested in the operation, acted as front men for one of the organization’s leaders, who has been under investigation since 2019 and who has been arrested along with his wife.

The leader of the group would have loaned the former owners of the company more than one million euros to try to revive the company, but unable to repay that money, the owners handed over the company to collect the debt with the billing of their customers.

Thus, the new owners stopped paying, including the payroll of the employees, and would be illegally transferring their services and their billing to another security company, managed by the aforementioned lender through a front man.

Strongly hierarchical and specialized in the commission of economic crimes such as tax fraud, Social Security fraud, fraud, document falsification and misappropriation, the investigated organization was dedicated to laundering the profits obtained and capital from drug trafficking, at At least two other groups to which they provided their services, according to the Police.

To carry out these operations, they simulated commercial transactions between related companies, thus justifying inflows and outflows of funds from their bank accounts for an amount, between 2016 and 2021, of more than 27 million euros.

The group had an extensive network of collaborators and a corporate structure with more than 80 companies and 30 front men, through which it simulated commercial transactions that allowed it to move money in the legal circuit and obtain ownership of some 70 properties and a large number of high-end vehicles.

The agents confirmed the possible commission of crimes of frustration of the execution, tax fraud, Social Security fraud, misappropriation and bribery, by the previous managers of the company and in collusion with the leader of the organization.

In addition to the seizures, 169 bank accounts (39 of individuals and 130 of companies) have been blocked, in which more than 300,000 euros have been found so far. Preventive notes have also been made for the seizure of 67 real estate, in an investigation that is still open and in which a second phase with new arrests is not ruled out.

A hundred agents have participated in the searches and have been carried out both in private homes and in offices and companies, where electronic material and documentation have been intervened.