He asks if the electoral polls in Spain are done by the same as in Brazil, who did not predict the result of Bolsonaro


The MEP and spokesman for Vox’s Political Action Committee, Jorge Buxadé, claimed this Monday that “the moderate party of Spain” is his, against a “radical, federalist and elite” Popular Party.

Buxadé responded in a press conference to the PP’s Institutional Vice-Secretary, Esteban González Pons, who boasted that when the ‘popular’ share government with Vox, those of Santiago Abascal “moderate”.

“The moderate party in Spain is Vox and we are taking the radical, federalist and elite party to moderation”, he responded, recalling that González Pons himself addressed Vox months ago as an “extreme right” formation with “the purpose of influencing so that there would not be a coalition”.

Buxadé has acknowledged his disagreements with the also ‘popular’ MEP — “whom I have extraordinary affection for,” he said ironically — and has insisted that he “lies” saying that Vox has moderated his positions.

Of course, he has recognized that he is not “stupid” and therefore believes that he is being aware of the rise of Vox’s allied parties in Europe thanks to the recent electoral results in places like Sweden or Italy.

“It is very reasonable that González Pons understands what European politics is about and what national politics has to be about. We were already moderates and the radicals are others,” he settled.

In this context, he has rejected the electoral forecasts of the polls and has asked if in Spain they are made by the same as in Brazil, where they did not predict the result harvested by Jair Bolsonaro this Sunday.

With this, it has relied on the growth of Vox, which they hope to highlight in the macro event that will be held this weekend in Madrid and for which more than 22,000 participants have already registered. In it, Vox will launch its campaign to give citizens a voice in the face of what it considers a government “at the service of the media, financial and political elites.”

In the video presenting the act, Vox denounces the rise in prices, warns of growing insecurity due to illegal immigration, maintains that hatred of masculinity, “totalitarian indoctrination” and “broken ideologies” are fueled. “They, the powerful in politics, the economy, the media, had never been so far from the reality that Spaniards live,” he claims with images of politicians or businessmen such as the president of Banco Santander, Ana Patricia Botín.

Among its proposals, Vox asks for a “real tax” reduction compared to the Government’s proposal, which it sees as “a new attack on the middle and working classes of Spain.” His proposal includes issues such as the reduction of personal income tax, recovering the deduction for housing, eliminating capital gains tax or a general reduction in VAT.

“If you lower taxes and tributes, you really lower them,” Buxadé claimed, warning that this measure must entail a drastic reduction in “unnecessary, inefficient and sumptuary” public spending.