The MEP and spokesman for the Vox Political Action Committee, Jorge Buxadé, has branded the visit to Spain of the European Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, as “grotesque”, and has rejected “interference” by the European Commission in a Spanish competition; while he has demanded that the PP and PSOE reform the model for electing members of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ).

“It is difficult to assess what has been grotesque,” Buxadé said at a press conference about last week’s visit by the European Commissioner. As he explained, Vox does not like the Spanish system for electing members of the CGPJ, but it does not like that a European envoy comes either because the European Commission “has no competence” in this matter.

Moreover, he has accused the PP and PSOE of being part of the “progressive consensus” that is dedicated in Brussels to requesting sanctions for Poland and Hungary “for doing things more or less the same as in the Spanish constitutional sphere.”

For this reason, he recalled that the Vox proposal asks that the members of the CGPJ be elected by the judges and magistrates themselves, without political interference. “The problem is that politicians fill their mouths with the word democracy and independence of the judiciary but want to continue to keep the institutions that guarantee the rights and freedoms of Spaniards in subjection,” he denounced.