Ciudadanos wants the Ministry of Defense to anticipate the problems that may arise in the future for the recruitment of new members to join the Armed Forces or the retention of the military in the Armies and Navy.

The ‘oranges’ echo the report ‘Operating Environment 2035’, written by CESEDEN and prefaced by the Defense Chief of Staff himself, Admiral General Teodoro López Calderón. This document, collected by Europa Press, is in charge of analyzing the context in which the Armed Forces will have to operate in the year 2035 and the changes that they will have to undertake to be prepared for this new scenario.

In this context, the report warns of the difficulties that the Armed Forces may encounter in the next decade for the recruitment of new soldiers, as well as for their retention due to competition with the civilian labor market.

This has led Ciudadanos to present a non-legal proposal for debate in the Defense Commission in Congress, in which it asks the Department led by Margarita Robles to adopt measures to “ensure the commitment and durability of military vocations, as well as the recruitment of personnel for our Armies”.

Ciudadanos believes that, to the “lack of interest” of young people in the Armed Forces, is added the “unstoppable” demographic decline and some rulers who believe that they have not been able to promote “interest and admiration” for the Armed Forces and the “motivation” to belong to them.

For this reason, it urges the Government to anticipate this problem and adopt measures to alleviate the situation, especially aimed at improving the working and economic conditions of the military and their quality of life.

The ‘oranges’ also ask the Executive to find ways to “promote” the military vocation in order to avoid the dangers revealed in the report that analyzes the operating environment of the year 2035.