He affirms that the “urgency” now is to unblock the CGPJ and proposes reforms, such as the automatic termination of members with an expired mandate


The deputy spokesman for Unidas Podemos in Congress, Enrique Santiago, is confident that the renewed Constitutional Court, “less politicized” and with a majority of “rigorous” jurists, will undoubtedly help the laws approved by Congress to hardly have “objections” in instead of establishing itself as the “toy” of the PP. And this does not prevent, as he has stressed, that the guarantee body deploys the “qualifications” that it deems appropriate to the regulatory projects.

“What is not going to happen is that the TC can become a kind of third-reading legislature, which is what this group has tried to do with (the outgoing president) Pedro González-Trevijano,” the IU leader explained. in an interview with Europa Press.

He has also indicated that his space has no preference over who has to preside over the body, but he is clear that “it cannot be a political and seditious person”, who turns the TC into a “political toy of the PP” as has happened, to his trial, has passed with Trevijano.

Asked whether the resignation of magistrate José Manuel Bandrés by the progressive sector in the Judiciary is a defeat, Santiago has rejected that vision, emphasizing that María Luisa Segoviano is an “excellent choice” for being an exemplary jurist”, with a path marked by favor of the expansion of workers’ rights”.

In turn, Santiago has criticized that the order of the TC that motivates the controversial suspension of the parliamentary processing of its reform in the Senate confirms that it is a “bodrio” and a resolution of “poor legal quality”, that “says one thing and the contrary” in just a few paragraphs.

What’s more, in his opinion, the self-evidence that the conservative sector did “authentic juggling” to circumvent the law and not examine the challenges that his formation presented against González-Trevijano himself, and magistrate Antonio Narváez, in addition to evidencing an “overreach ” of its functions to “clearly violate” the inviolability of the Cortes Generales.

“The decision to eliminate the Senate’s ability to deliberate on a certain amendment, in addition to being clearly unconstitutional, has placed the Constitutional Court in the role of a legislative chamber, something incomprehensible in a State of separation of powers. We had been saying, little legal quality and clear political intentions in this decision,” Santiago emphasized.

However, it has indicated that with the issue of the TC “resolved” with the appointment of the magistrates that correspond to it by the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), the “urgency” is now to end the blockade of the governing body of judges , which has been blocked for four years due to a seditious attitude and “absolute coordination” between the “judicial and political” right.

Therefore, the position of Unidas Podemos is that measures must be taken, ranging from reforms so that members with expired mandates “automatically” cease their functions as “common sense” marks, limiting the powers of the CGPJ to “strictly constitutional ” (appointments, disciplinary regime, judicial career promotions and inspection work) and pass the rest to the Ministry of Justice, as is the case in France, and changes in the election system so that “nobody” can block the renewal.

In fact, he has indicated that there are many election mechanisms and Santiago even suggests that there are even options that do not necessarily lead to lowering the three-fifths majorities, such as agreeing to chain successive votes that do not end until all the members of the CGPJ.

The problem, he has reported, is the “lack of will” of the PP to unblock it, since it “breaks” the Constitution “when it loses the elections” saying that it wants to protect the citizens of this government, as if they were being investigated by an authority ” quasi divine” to determine which Executive is “legitimate or not”.

Even the leader of the IU has attacked that this speech of the PP, in his opinion, “is not democratic” but typical of “forces born in the heat of the military dictatorship”, something “logical” if one thinks that the founders of this party “supported the Franco regime.

Regarding the position of the president of the Government, Pere Aragonés, in favor of promoting an agreed referendum on self-determination, Santiago has said that the independentistas can make their proposals with “total tranquility”, but within a framework of “normalized” political coexistence that It has been the main achievement of the Government.

In fact, he has praised the “commitment of the independence forces” with the “daily” direction of the country and their “key” contribution to push forward progressive laws.

However, he has indicated that Unidas Podemos has no doubts about the model of the country to which they aspire: it is a federal republic where Catalonia is part of the State and with all the territories they can have the “maximum powers and self-government”.

In this sense, the general secretary of the PCE has indicated that the Constitution does not contemplate any referendum on self-determination but does provide various options for consultation with the citizens, which is always “positive” in a democracy, and the Catalans will have the opportunity to express themselves directly on what his future will be in the next elections in Catalonia, convinced that his decision will be “wise”.