Bravo says that this opinion was approved unanimously: “Perhaps the car that goes in the opposite direction belongs to Sánchez, not the others”

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has criticized this Monday that the head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, “delegitimizes” and “disqualifies” the report of the European Central Bank (ECB) contrary to the banking tax and has blamed it on ” tic” that the PSOE and United We Can Government has focused on “occupying the institutions.

This was stated during a dialogue with the head of government of the autonomous city of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, organized by the Policy Club, after this weekend Sánchez affirmed that he will follow his roadmap of approving a tax to the bank and attacked the vice president of the ECB and former Minister of Economy Luis de Guindos.

Feijóo has criticized that Sánchez charges against the ECB, which is made up of “central banks of all EU countries”, for “criticizing” the banking tax promoted by its Executive and warning that it will lead to “credit restriction and increase in bank commissions.

“The President of the Government arrives and delegitimizes the ECB. Why? Because in Spain the Government has the habit of occupying the institutions. And when someone says something that harms the Government, that institution is automatically against Spain or is favoring Spain. the opposition,” he said.

Feijóo has stressed that in Spain the institutions “are key” in democracy and must maintain independence in their opinions and remain outside the “spectrum of pressure from the Government of the day.”

“Maintaining the prestige of the institutions is decisive to maintain their independence and not be engulfed because they would cease to be institutions to be departments of the Government of the day,” he added.

Feijóo has recalled Sánchez’s actions with other institutions in these months, alluding to what happened at the Sociological Research Center (CIS), the National Intelligence Center (CNI) or the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

That said, the leader of the opposition has stressed that “discrediting the institutions in the interior” is “a system to gradually change the democratic regime”, which is based on checks and balances.


For his part, the PP’s Deputy Secretary of Economy, Juan Bravo, stressed that the ECB’s ruling on the bank tax was adopted “unanimously by all” and added that there are also representatives of the “socialist wing”.

In addition, he recalled that the PP has already pointed out that it could make financing more expensive and reduce the loans that the European Central Bank has now detected. In his opinion, announcements are made looking for “culprits” and they “forget technical criteria.”

In addition, he has highlighted that the ECB has financed “a large part of the debt generated by the Government” of Sánchez and now criticizes his opinion because “he does not like what he says”, something that, according to what he has said, they have seen with the Airef , Funcas, in Bank of Spain or Fedea. “None of the independent bodies that he thinks the president likes,” he has complained.

After recommending Sánchez to be “more consistent”, he stressed that the banking tax he raises is not “on extraordinary profits but on billing, which is not the same” because “you can have sales and not have profits”.

“President Sánchez should consider that perhaps the car that is going in the opposite direction is his, not all the others,” reflected the ‘popular’ leader at a press conference at the PP headquarters.