The PP defends the Civil Guard and reiterates that what it wants to know is why Marlaska “lied” and “what he hides from Morocco”


The deputies of United We Can, EH Bildu and ERC who have been part of the delegation of the Interior Commission visiting Melilla this Monday have distanced themselves from the version of Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska by pointing out that there were dead migrants in the area Spanish from the border last June 24. The PP, for its part, has defended the Civil Guard and has reiterated that it wants to know why Grande-Marlaska “lied” and “what he hides from Morocco.”

“Everything seems to indicate that there were deaths in the area controlled by the Spanish authorities, obviously,” Enrique Santiago, spokesman for United We Can, told reporters. After thanking the explanations of the Civil Guard, he has warned that the problem “is access to asylum” that causes deaths without “compliance with Spanish and European law.”

In the organized trip to Melilla after the BBC report that questions the version of the Ministry of the Interior, the EH Bildu deputy Jon Iñarritu also participated, who has criticized Grande-Marlaska for the “invention” of speaking of ‘nobody’s zone ‘ when in Congress he placed the incident between Nador and Melilla.

“We are not talking about the transit zone or what even the Minister of the Interior called nobody’s zone, but rather in territory under Spanish control,” Iñárritu has denounced.

The deputies have told in networks the news of the visit to Melilla. The ERC representative María Dantas has focused on the riot gear used by the Spanish agents: 65 rubber balls, 270 salvos, 28 smoke canisters, 86 tear gas canisters and 41 pepper spray cans. Grande-Marlaska justified in her appearance in Congress the use of material to repel what she described as a “violent attack.”

From Cuenca, the Minister of the Interior has indicated this Monday that the political groups will have access, first during their visit to Melilla and then in Congress, to “all” the images –already sent to the Prosecutor’s Office and the Ombudsman– recorded in helicopter, drones and the cameras of the Melilla border fence.

The minister has pointed to himself as being directly responsible for the order issued to the Civil Guard to “deal with any violent event on the border”, within a device that the 24-J was “proportional”, and has refuted the BBC that bodies were dragged to Nador from Melilla. “There were no deaths in Spanish territory,” he has indicated.

Grande-Marlaska has sent a direct message to the PP as the main opposition party –Vox has distanced itself from the visit to Melilla this Monday and Ciudadanos has alleged scheduling problems– to demand that it “not instrumentalize or use” the State Security Forces and Bodies.

For her part, the spokeswoman for the Interior in the PP, Ana Vázquez, has pointed directly to Grande-Marlaska, demanding that she give explanations in Congress. However, she has distanced herself from the investigation commission that Podemos and the government partners are once again requesting.

“We have seen how the Civil Guard has had nothing to do, at any time, with any of those deaths that occurred that fateful day,” Vázquez indicated.

“The only thing we want to know is why Marlaska lied to us, what he hides from Morocco”, he continued after participating in the visit to the Civil Guard Command and the border fence in the Chinatown area, in addition to holding a meeting with the Government Delegation.

The popular deputy has revealed that “today” from the Civil Guard they have confirmed that on Mount Gurugú -near Melilla– “there are again thousands of people waiting to jump, and at any time it can reproduce again”. For this reason, she has demanded that the staff of the Melilla Command, made up of 650 agents, be increased by another 200 more.

In addition, Vázquez has criticized the “improvisation” of the Government of Pedro Sánchez, especially for the turn on Western Sahara. “If they are such friends of the Moroccan government, I tell Marlaska to comply with the readmission agreement”, he has said about the immediate repatriation of migrants who irregularly enter Spanish territory.