The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has assured this Thursday that “unfortunately” the general coordinator of EH Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi, is right when he defended that the Abertzale coalition and other formations that want to “leave” Spain are the support of the current Coalition government formed by PSOE and Unidas Podemos.

“Unfortunately, the approved General State Budget (PGE) proves him right: the Government is in his hands,” stressed the opposition leader in a message on the Twitter social network, collected by Europa Press, in which he has criticized that the public accounts have “more transfers to the independentistas than measures for the citizens”.

“They are not the PGE that Spain needs, but those that Sánchez’s partners demand to keep him in Moncloa,” Feijóo has settled the publication, after the Plenary Session of Congress has approved the Executive’s accounts for 2023 with the votes of Esquerra Republicana , the PNV, EH-Bildu, the PDeCAT, Más País-Equo, Compromís, the Canary Islands Coalition and the PRC.

The general coordinator of EH Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi, has defended the budget agreement reached by his formation with the Executive of Pedro Sánchez, which “benefits the popular classes”, and has affirmed that “there is a great paradox” that there would not be “Government of progress in the State” without the support of the leftist forces that want to “leave” Spain. In addition, he has warned that “independence processes are not stopped by the Penal Code.” “It will stop once, but it will not stop forever,” he said in an interview with Europa Press.

Otegi has rejected that there has been a change of ‘Budgets for prisoners’ and has indicated that the agreement on the accounts is “explicit” with “light and stenographers”. He has also highlighted the incorporation of the transfer of Traffic in Navarra to the Foral Police, until now in the hands of the Civil Guard.