The first secretary of the PSC, Salvador Illa, has advocated this Friday for an “ordered policy and focused on being useful” to favor the reunion in Catalonia and to strengthen the institutions of self-government.

“I want to claim without naivety the right to be optimistic. We Catalans have to be happy about this new stage that we have opened, a stage of dialogue and coexistence, good for Catalonia and good for the whole of Spain”, he claimed in his final message of year.

Despite being aware that “political noise is sometimes unbearable, and in recent weeks it has been so in a particular way”, Illa has appealed to strengthen everything that affects Catalonia in 2023, also in times of difficulties, and to defend their potential and protagonists.

According to Illa, it is up to politics to move from inertia to action: “These are times of proactivity, of audacity. I want Catalonia to look to the future with ambition, which must be collective for all Catalans.”

“I want us to be in the news again for our achievements, successes and for the well-deserved prestige that has sometimes been forgotten that Catalans are people who do things well and with ‘seny'”, he pointed out.