their children, while those in the English-speaking provinces are especially worried about their future.”Nor is it surprising that they enjoy good food and laughter, to the point of having a National School of Humor (read p. 34). Another difference, because of their past and present isolation, Quebecers, according to the Quebec Code data, rely, even more than Canadians in general, on consensus, illustrated by the popular expression: “No chicane in my hut”. 

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Finally, another major element that persists and has only strengthened over the years and the influx of newcomers, creativity. Hasn’t Cirque du Soleil revisited circus art, with a worldwide success? Hasn’t the CoucheTard company reinvented the grocery store, and even proposed, unsuccessfully, to buy Carrefour at the beginning of this year? Don’t Quebecers excel, thanks to a multicultural pool, in tech and artificial intelligence? “Quebec has been a social and cultural laboratory for fifty years, which requires creativity, and this will continue, in French and English, concludes Yvan Lamonde, professor emeritus of Quebec history and literature at McGill University. I do not believe in a withdrawal on the part of a part of the population.” :

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They immigrated to Quebec… to work in the tech L’école de l’humour, a Quebec institution Of the French in reinforcement at the hospital

*”The Quebec Code The seven differences that make us a unique people in the world”, Jean-Marc Léger, Jacques Nantel, Pierre Duhamel, Les Editions de l’Homme, 2021 (available at the Librairie du Québec, ).