The purple brand these measures as “institutional violence” against women and directly accuse Feijóo of allowing this plan


Podemos will support any measure, any legal and political measure that prevents the “atrocity” of the anti-abortion plan of the Government of Castilla y León, which it describes as “institutional violence” against women, and in this sense does not rule out the possibility of intervening the regional powers in this matter.

This has been transferred by the state co-spokesman of the purple formation and attorney in this region, Pablo Fernández, to accuse the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, of assuming the Vox approach in this region and behaving like an “ultra”, well, if were against it, it would have broken the coalition in Castilla y León with this region.

“Feijóo is to moderation what Santiago Abascal (Vox leader) is to feminism,” Fernández launched to insist that this plan, with measures such as listening to the fetal heartbeat and a 4D ultrasound, implies an attack on the right to abortion of women. Therefore, he has indicated that they are also going to demand a requirement so that this measure is not applied and is studying all the legal tools at his disposal.

Asked if Podemos would be in favor of intervening in this power of the autonomous Executive, a power enabled in article 155 of the Constitution, Fernández has slipped that they do not rule out any initiative and are in favor of studying all the available formulas to defend the right to abortion.

Especially since these pro-life initiatives, as defined by Castilla y León, mean causing “harm” and “abuse” to women who want to terminate their pregnancy, which incurs in “institutional violence” and unacceptable “coercion”.

For Fernández, the controversy generated by this plan shows what happens when the PP governs with the “extreme right”, since “regressive” and “reactionary” policies advance with the “complacency” and “authorization” of the popular, which allow to Vox that Castilla y León is his “farmhouse” in an “abominable” and “embarrassing” way.

And it is that he has reproached the leader of the PP that he is “delighted” with his pact with Vox in Castilla y León, which refutes his message of “moderation” since he treats Abascal’s party as his “preferred partner”

In contrast, he stressed that the reform of the abortion law whose processing is finalized guarantees the interruption of pregnancy in a “free, safe and free” way in public health, compared to the “worrying” data of this autonomy where more than 40 % of women who aborted during the last year did so “paying”. And it is that he has denounced that there is only one concerted clinic in this region that enables free abortion.

In this way, Fernández has proclaimed that both the progressive forces and the Ministry of Equality and the Government as a whole must “stand up” to prevent this “outrage”.

Her counterpart in the party and United We Can candidate for the Community of Madrid, Alejandra Jacinto, has also criticized that the regional president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, boasts of a helpline for pregnant women when she tries to “dismantle” public health. Thus, she has challenged him to care about the lives of people before the unborn with more investment in public services.

What’s more, he has denounced that Ayuso is only dedicated to “confronting” the coalition government, as was seen with his attack on the Executive Law on Families, which precisely seeks to protect them in the best possible way to guarantee, for example, more schools. children’s public

“This is to protect families and not agree with forces of the extreme right that violate the rights of women as we see in Castilla y León,” he has settled.