The Minister of Education and Spokesperson for the PSOE, Pilar Alegría, today accused the president of the Community of Madrid of making statements “typical of Trump or Bolsonaro” that are “similar to those that led to the seizure of the Capitol” in USA and Congress in Brazil.

Pilar Alegría has thus referred to the controversy sparked by the vice president of Castilla y León, Juan García Gallardo, when on Friday he announced a mandatory protocol for doctors to perform a 4D ultrasound and teach pregnant women the heartbeat who wish to abort.

In this regard, the Madrid president also spoke this morning, who considered that the controversy created by Vox was “unnecessary” but also described the government’s reaction as “overacting”. In addition, Ayuso has charged against Pedro Sánchez, whom he has described as a “podemite ringleader” and “representative of seditious people”, warning that he has a “plan” that consists of “being the head of the judges, the hand that manages the company government and the director and owner of the media”.

“‘Sanchismo’ is occupying all political, institutional and social space in a totalitarian and illegitimate manner” and with the “clear intention of changing the constitutional order through the back door”, criticized the Madrid leader in an informative meeting organized by the newspapers ‘Expansión’ and ‘El Mundo’.

Some statements that the PSOE spokesperson did not like, who pointed out that they are “typical of Trump or Bolsonaro” and similar to those that caused the assaults on Congress in the US and Brazil. “Once again Mrs. Ayuso has described the Government of Spain as illegitimate, she has spoken of a gagged Congress of Deputies, statements similar to those that led to the seizure of the Capitol in the US or the headquarters of the three powers in Brazil,” he exclaimed.