The Strategic Committee for Specialized Innovation (CEIE) in Health has proposed the development of new medical devices that make it possible to configure hybrid operating rooms — surgical spaces equipped with advanced high-resolution radiodiagnostic imaging devices, virtual reality, 3D printing, and other enabling technologies. -. The objective is to carry out personalized surgeries that “promote the speedy recovery of the patient.”

This has been stated by the team of specialists that advises the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI) in the second meeting to face the challenges of this field of knowledge, as indicated by the Generalitat in a statement.

Specifically, the experts have pointed out a dozen innovation proposals to address the priority challenges of the health system and also encourage the consolidation of a productive fabric specialized in health.

Likewise, the effective implementation of personalized medicine is one of the goals of the committee, which is committed to exploring the development of digital twins based on clinical data to reproduce the functioning of human organs and optimize the detection of pathologies, as well as the design of new diagnostic methodologies based on biomarkers.

Along these same lines, the team urges progress in the prototyping of miniaturized cell tissues designed in the laboratory that emulate organs to test the response to advanced therapies, the design of tests capable of certifying the reliability, efficiency and biosafety of innovative medicines. or the development of tools that allow the implementation of monitoring, control, production and industrial scaling processes for these drugs.

To prevent, identify and control mental health problems and chronic diseases, the CEIE coordinated by the scientist María Jesús Vicent, from the Príncipe Felipe Research Center (CIPF), has advocated developing and integrating artificial intelligence and big data tools, as well as as different information systems to undertake predictive analysis.

In the same way, the committee has maintained its concern regarding the incidence of hospital infections and has proposed solutions related to the real-time detection and identification of pathogenic aerosols in healthcare environments, the development of more efficient air purification systems and the design of new tools and equipment capable of increasing the safety of health professionals.

For her part, María Jesús Vicent has set herself the challenge of developing the initiatives proposed within the committee within a maximum period of three years. Likewise, she has had an impact on the innovation opportunities offered by the new lines of work in the medical vanguard.

“In the Valencian Community, there are base capacities to build a business fabric capable of providing high value-added services in the process of development and use of advanced therapies and innovative medicines”, he highlighted.

The multidisciplinary team is made up of representatives of the scientific community, technological institutes and the business community, as well as health professionals who will be the end users of these innovations.

The committee includes the participation, from the scientific sphere, of Cristina Botella (Universitat Jaume I), Salvador Martínez, (Institute of Neurosciences), Josep Redón (Incliva Health Research Institute) and Damià Tormo (Columbus Foundation), in addition to Javier Sánchez, from the Institute of Biomechanics of Valencia (IBV) as part of the technology centers.

The productive fabric is represented by Mara Gracia (Surgival), Francisco Sanchís (Elix Pharma) and José Manuel Santabárbara (Ascires Group), as well as José María Lagarón (Bioinicia), who is one of the new members of the team. The second novelty falls on Esther Soler (Elche General Hospital), who joins María Isabel Acién (San Juan de Alicante Hospital), to provide the vision and needs of health professionals.

It is expected that, in the coming weeks, this working group will issue its final conclusions, which will be made available to all the agents that make up the Valencian Innovation System after validation by the Strategic Innovation Committee (CEI).

For its part, the AVI undertakes to prioritize, as of 2024, those R&D projects that involve the development and implementation of these initiatives within the framework of its call for aid in competitive competition.