the more and more graduates decide against a career in the British financial centre of London. Including the local FinTech industry groans. Blame the unsafe working conditions of the upcoming Brexits, the industry Association TheCityUK reported. Because in not more than nine days of the official divorce date between the United Kingdom and the EU.

By David Barkhausen
21. March 2019BTC$3.968,00 -1.22%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Once was London alongside New York as one of the major financial centers of the world. Since the Brexit vote of the British people in the summer of 2016, this Status applies, however, recently listed as endangered. Because if up to 29. March, is found no agreement between London and the EU, could take on the spectre of a hard, disorderly Brexits agreement form.

Already today, more and more companies and banks are moving away from the financial metropolis. They fear the access to the EU Internal and to lose labour market in such a scenario.

especially in the FinTech sector is groaning these days under the uncertain future. Because of the Brexit deters more and more financial talents, careers in London to follow. This is the UK financial Association TheCityUK notes in his latest report.

Since the Brexit vote in June 2016, we will see a significant decrease of graduates in particular from France and Germany,

notice the Miles Morgan Rothe, managing Director of the Association of reported by the out-migration trend. Currently, the UK’s FinTech sector employees, while nearly 60,000 employees, of whom about a fifth of the EU member States come from. Today would, however, choose to more employers in London, as for the move to the Thames.

competition from the mainland – financial talent is a scarce commodity

Including Start ailments, in addition to other Software developers also Blockchain-ups. Because here, above all, technical Expertise is required in addition to saving know-how. In the future, this could be a scarce commodity, the report said. So the risk that more financial experts to migrate, as by their own education at local universities may be compensated would be about.

The current shortage of Tech talent is a strategic issue for the UK financial and related services industry,

Nathan Bostock, the UK managing Director of Spanish banking giant Santander confirmed the urgency of the situation. To date, however, would be done too little to counter the brain drain.

competition is doing in London these days, in addition to Paris and Luxembourg, especially the Blockchain-Hub Berlin. More and more Start-ups to settle here to take advantage of in addition to the secured access to the EU internal market and the free labour migration from the Schengen area. Unlike in London, the financial talents from the European neighbourhood have to fear here, no restrictions.

Brexit: The state of things and how things should go

These days is similar to the century-projects Brexit a long time, the quadrature of the circle – so chaotic, the seemingly endless negotiations seem so incompatible political positions in the city with the ideas from Brussels and Strasbourg seem to be on the inside.

After the British Parliament had rejected the latest status of the previously negotiated withdrawal agreement last updated in the past week, is now available for 29. March of the official divorce date.

to be able to yet still arranged in a common future, start, is seeking London this week for a final reprieve. As your spokesman confirmed, is asking the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, EU Council President Donald Tusk in a Letter for an extension of time and the displacement of the Leaving date until the end of June.

Tusk, in turn, calls from the British Parliament, that it does not sanction the withdrawal of the contract in advance. Next week it should come, therefore, to a third party, a politically controversial vote in the British house of Commons.

About possible concessions could, however, EU-summit in Brussels today, Thursday, may 20. March, to decide. Because a as of May requested a deferral must sign off on all member States unanimously.

That the heads of state and government would be in place of heads of the 27 member States, a short grace period, has been considered almost safe. On the part of the EU-Commission suggests, however, resistance: Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker reiterates that the EU will make with a view to the common agreement, no further concessions. The negotiations were completed. For the summit he expected no decision on the postponement.

without the hard Brexit: outlet for London at a loss

you Should find in the forthcoming negotiations a solution will breathe a sigh of relief, the economy in the British Isles, as also on the continent. Undo this will not make the migration trend and the first relocation from London to the European mainland. Whether with or without agreement – to the financial centre of the outlet means already today losses.

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