The International Institute for Research on Artificial Intelligence (Ircai) has selected the ELLIS Alicante Foundation to be part of the Top 100 ranking of projects that use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to meet the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the 2030 Agenda .

The Ircai is endorsed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) and has selected the proposal presented by the Alicante foundation for its “excellence and originality” to carry out “ethical and responsible” scientific research on AI for Social Good”, as reported by ELLIS Alicante this Friday in a statement.

The presentation of the Global Top 100 List of AI Solutions for the SDGs has taken place at the eighth Stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs (STI Forum 2023). The online event was organized by IRCAI and the Permanent Mission of Slovenia to the UN.

ELLIS Alicante is one of the 39 units present in 14 different countries that are part of the ELLIS European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems. The Alicante foundation is the only ELLIS unit “created from scratch as a non-profit research foundation and is focused on humanity-centered AI, that is, ethical and responsible AI for social good.”

This recognition places ELLIS Alicante at the heart of a multidisciplinary, multisectoral and interconnected global community, which works on AI projects that promote and advance the achievement of the SDGs.

The “IRCAI Global 100 Report 2023” Report outlines both the progress made to date and the challenges ahead. It presents ELLIS Alicante together with other institutions, such as non-governmental and non-profit organizations, universities, startups and multinational companies, working around the world and in different fields to achieve scalable, feasible and implementable AI solutions to address the challenges most pressing problems in the world, such as access to health care, poverty, hunger and climate change.

ELLIS Alicante focuses on the relationship between people and intelligent systems and those responsible for it aim to “firmly believe in the power of technology as a generator of progress and universal well-being. We aim to be the European and world benchmark for AI research for and for people.”