the tax revenue from the motor car will likely be reduce, when we go over to electric operation. This realization led a number of commentators to propose an advanced system, creating a new road that is in front of it all was going to cost a lot of storstadshushåll.

it’s an interesting idea, but it is questionable as to whether it is sufficient, in order to get more households to forego owning a car. That the number of households to refrain from owning a car, it would reduce the use of the car and to increase the share of mass transit. Therefore, the need of incentives that will lead to a fundamental change in behaviour. Households, then, is not only the face turned up, taxes, fees and charges, and they also need to look for a reasonable solution to a life without a private car. The stick needs to be complemented with a carrot.

It needs to be as simple and flexible to use public transportation to travel with your own car. Public transport needs to be improved to take the passenger from the start to the finish. Only then can there be a big change in behavior.

Fortunately, there is an already established mobile as the network has the same flexibility as the private car, namely a taxi. The remaining transportation needs for special occasions and holidays, it is possible to solve with the car. Many of the households in the areas with a good public transport system, had been able to make this change in behavior, but in today’s environment, it is the few who take the next step. Therefore, the need for new policy instruments, which make it attractive for people to opt for a combination of public transport, taxis and rental cars instead of private car.

For a household, this is one of the main reasons to stick to the private car. Get a household, take a taxi for the day, or rent a car for specific needs. However, the government would be able to do these mobilitetsalternativ more and more attractive. The government has successfully gotten people to change the behavior in the past. Then it was on to the ask for genuine, white, clean, and hantverkartjänster.

However, in the debate many proposals aimed at increasing the costs of car use. The question is whether this is enough. The higher the taxes, fees and charges do not provide the households with better mobility, just a higher cost. Here, the government should think again and think in a new way. There is a proposal for a distance-based vägskattesystem, as proposed in Swedish Debate is an interesting one and should be looked into, but at the same time, it should be explored how other solutions other than the private car can be made more attractive. Therefore, the government should also consider the development of a miljöavdrag of alternatives to the private car: taxis, hire cars and other forms of car-sharing. The model is as simple as the tax exemptions for the rut, and the rot.

the Wear and tear on the roads is decreasing, as well as the costs to society of road traffic accidents. However, in addition to this, the saved space in the urban areas. The residential areas will be planned with a fewer number of parking spaces, thus reducing the cost of construction. The need for money also decreases in the city centres and at transport hubs, which means that planners can make use of valuable space for other uses.

It is, therefore, not only to bring the vehicle to a tax – rate equivalent to the society and the environment olyckskostnader, but in the case of structural social benefits through a better-designed cities and towns. Then you need to stick combined with the carrot that entices people to switch modes of transportation.
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