It urges those responsible to assume this task without “tolerating neglect, silence or hypocrisy”


The Association Judges and Judges for Democracy (JJpD) has called for respect for Human Rights and asylum at the borders of autonomous cities after the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatovic, has defaced the lack of “legal and safe ways” to access asylum in Melilla.

“Given the alarming statements that come from the Council of Europe and that have just been made known, the association wishes to recall that the preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights obliges all signatory states to ensure respect for the rights contained therein. “JJpD recalled in a statement, collected by Europa Press.

In this context, the association has indicated that article 1 of the Rome Convention obliges all state parties to protect the Human Rights and fundamental freedoms of all persons under their jurisdiction.

Thus, JJpD has shown its confidence that “those responsible for such lofty tasks will resolutely assume this task without being able to tolerate neglect, silence or hypocrisy”. All this, they add, “in the face of a stubborn and crushing reality, with the cold evidence that the dead and disappeared demonstrate, the complacency of those who recognize, but do not comply with their obligations.”

“No declaration or recognition of rights can be real and effective if the conditions that allow its exercise are not established and guaranteed. The right of asylum, like any other, is only effective and real if the conditions that allow its exercise by the people who are in territory under Spanish jurisdiction”, they have pointed out.

In this sense, JJpD has argued that this “requires the implementation and compliance with protocols and procedures that allow receiving and processing the requests of those who aspire to it, as required by law for any procedure.”

“Our law obliges us to guarantee the possibility of requesting asylum even in the improperly called ‘hot return’ procedures, which do nothing more than hide, under the appearance of a simplistic and formal immediacy, what is ultimately the drama of the applicants and the lack of will to address their causes”, have lamented from the association.

As they have pointed out from JJpD, “respect for the life and dignity of people is part of these international instruments and they protect those who enter Spain to request asylum.” That is why, they continue, that “there must be an effective and clear protection of the right of asylum, which prevents the events that have become known in recent days, and that are highlighted by the Council of Europe, from recurring.”

“It is not acceptable to reduce the administrative pressure for the exercise of a right provided for by the constitution and the law, indirectly generating or tolerating the violation of basic Human Rights such as life or dignity. Asylum is an imperative instrument, at the service of the dignity of people, which is inalienable as a society to guarantee the values ??that our Constitution demands”, they conclude.

JJpD’s reaction comes after Commissioner Mijatovic visited Madrid and Melilla last week, where she had the opportunity to meet with the Government delegate, Sabrina Moh; the president, Eduardo de Castro, as well as senior officials of the Civil Guard and the National Police, and representatives of civil society and international organizations. She also visited the Beni Enzar border crossing and Chinatown, as well as a center for unaccompanied minors and the CETI.

“In practice, there seems to be no other way to enter Melilla and request protection from the relevant authorities than by swimming or jumping over the fence, risking your life,” he denounced in a statement, demanding that this situation be “addressed comprehensively to guarantee that those who need protection can access the territory through legal and safe channels”.