Notify the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe of these consequences


The Minister of Justice, Pilar Llop, has assured that “one of the consequences of the blockade in the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ)” is that “it generates unwanted tangential effects on the advancement of human rights” in Spain .

This is how the head of Justice has transferred it to the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, Dunja Mijatovic in a meeting, as reported by the Ministry on Thursday.

Llop has specified that one of the consequences of said situation of blockade -persistent since December 2018 given the impossibility of the parties to reach an agreement to renew the body- is that the CGPJ has not yet delivered its report on the Draft of Age assessment law.

From Justice they have explained that Mijatovic has known -during a meeting held with Llop- the details of said Draft, including the presumption of minority, the relevance of documentary evidence, the primacy of the best interest of the minor and the recognition of the right of men to be heard. As they have specified, the European commissioner has shown her interest in this text.

Within the framework of the meeting, Llop has transferred to the representative of the Council of Europe that the Ministry of Justice is waiting to receive a report from the CGPJ on this Draft Law on age assessment. In line, she has stressed that she is also waiting for the governing body of judges to rule on the reform of the Criminal Procedure Law.

In this sense, from the Ministry they have indicated that Llop has explained to the commissioner that this wait “is one of the consequences of the blockade in the renewal of the CGPJ, which generates undesired effects in a tangential way in the advancement of human rights” in Spain.

In addition, Llop has transferred to the European commissioner the main lines of the Comprehensive Draft Law against trafficking in human beings and against exploitation, promoted by his cabinet.

As reported by Justice, the minister has assured Mijatovic that it is a “comprehensive regulation, which focuses on the victims and covers its international dimension.” Thus, the commissioner has agreed to describe it as a “great challenge”, since trafficking supposes “a great violation of human rights”.

From the department directed by Llop they have influenced that the minister has transferred to the European commissioner “key aspects” of the law, which addresses all kinds of trafficking, whether for the purpose of begging, organ trafficking, sexual exploitation or labor, and that “it will have a very pronounced gender perspective because there are very feminized trades”.

Likewise, the Ministry has pointed out that they have discussed the protection of the rights of vulnerable people in eviction and foreclosure processes.

On the sidelines, the minister has also referred to the measures that the efficiency laws contemplate to bring the public service of Justice closer to the citizenry, especially to the most vulnerable sectors, such as the use, for example, of new technologies or the start-up of the Justice Offices in the municipality.