Considers that the statement of facts of the sentence “is contradictory or incongruous” with the ruling


The National Court Prosecutor’s Office has appealed the acquittal issued by the Criminal Chamber in favor of those accused of forming a jihadist front while in prison to unite prisoners for crimes related to Islamist terrorism, considering that “the account of events proven in the judgment is contradictory or inconsistent with the dispositive part” of the judgment itself.

Through a press release, collected by Europa Press, the Public Ministry has maintained that in the acquittal ruling issued last October, “statements incompatible with an acquittal ruling” are made. That sentence exonerated the defendants “despite the vehemence of many of the religious texts they sent and received, and even despite the drawings of flags and the expression of slogans used by DAESH militants and sympathizers.”

In the opinion of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the National High Court, “from what was stated in the proven facts of the appealed judgment, as well as from the evidence taken in the act of the oral hearing, the typical requirements of the crimes for which they are accuses, in accordance with the interpretation that jurisprudence gives to said requirements”.

It should be remembered that the prosecutor requested for Abderrahmane T., known as Mohamed Achraf; Mohamed E., Karim A., Abdelah A. and Lahcen Z., 12 years in prison and 10 years of supervised release for the crime of constituting a terrorist group. However, the Public Ministry withdrew the accusation for the latter in the final conclusions phase.

“The affiliation of the four defendants to the terrorist organization DAESH understood as assumption of its objectives has been proven, but, moreover, the defendants are not limited during their stay in prison to assume the postulates of the terrorist organization DAESH, but act inside prison to achieve the objectives pursued by said criminal organization, as described in the account of proven facts of the sentence now appealed, “says the Prosecutor’s Office.

In its appeal, the Prosecutor’s Office points to an alleged “breach of the rule and procedural guarantees, specifically due to infringement of the right to effective judicial protection, in such terms that it should lead to the nullity of the sentence dictated by contradiction in the story of proven facts. That is why they request that “the same be corrected and a new judicial resolution be issued with a story of proven facts in which no contradiction is noted.”

But, in addition, the Public Ministry warns of an “infraction of the legal system, specifically for infraction of the articles that punish the crime of integration into a terrorist organization, or, alternatively, for infraction of the article that punishes the crime of crime of collaboration with a terrorist organization, or alternatively, as a subsidiary of the previous two, for infraction of the article that punishes the crime of terrorist recruitment and indoctrination”.

It should be remembered that the AN agreed last September to release Abderrahmane T, who was in jail, after being punished for jihadism and who thought to attack this judicial body with a truck loaded with 500 kilos of explosives. At that time, the court had not yet issued the acquittal, which has now been appealed by the Prosecutor’s Office.