The First Section of the Seville Court has required 15 of those convicted in the sentence of the specific procedure through which the Board channeled subsidies for early retirement in fraudulent employment regulation files (ERE) and arbitrary aid to companies; among them the former socialist presidents of the Junta de Andalucía José Antonio Griñán and Manuel Chaves, to appear on Wednesday of this week “for the fulfillment” of the disqualification sentences, according to a new order issued by said instance and collected by Europa Press.

In said document, the Court states that on October 11 it had already agreed to request the convicted José Salgueiro, former Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance; Magdalena Alvarez; former Minister of Economy and former Minister of Public Works; the former director general of the Agency for Innovation and Development of Andalusia (IDEA) Jacinto Cañete; the former president of the Board Manuel Chaves; the former Minister of the Presidency Gaspar Zarrías and the former Vice Minister of the Presidency and former General Director of Budgets, Vicente Lozano Peña, “for the fulfillment of the sentence of special disqualification to which they were sentenced.”

To this end, the First Section of the Hearing resolves to require “equally” the former Deputy Minister of Employment Agustín Barberá; the former Treasury Minister Carmen Martínez Aguayo; the former director of IDEA Miguel Ángel Serrano Aguilar; the former Minister of Innovation Francisco Vallejo; the former Deputy Minister of Innovation Jesús María Rodríguez Román; the former regional president José Antonio Griñán, the former Minister of Employment and Technological Development José Antonio Viera, the former General Director of Labor and Social Security Juan Márquez and the former Minister of Employment Antonio Fernández; “for the fulfillment of the sentence of absolute disqualification to which they were sentenced”.

“For such proceedings, the convicts will have to be summoned by their procedural representations to appear before this section on November 16, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. in the morning,” the order indicates.

In parallel, this same judicial instance has incorporated and declared “pending resolution” the new document from the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, with which said instance opposes the requests for suspension of the prison sentence of the defenses of those sentenced to prison for said corruption. judgment of the ERE, among which is the request of the former socialist president of the Junta de Andalucía José Antonio Griñán, regarding the incidents of nullity raised before the judgment issued in this regard by the Supreme Court.

In its brief, collected by Europa Press, the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office responds to the ruling issued on November 4 by the First Section of the Seville Court, a resolution in which said instance stated that during the past month of October, it had been receiving different writings by the defenses of former President Griñán, the former Minister of Finance Carmen Martínez Aguayo, the former Minister of Innovation Francisco Vallejo, the former Minister of Employment and Technological Development José Antonio Viera, the former Minister of Employment Antonio Fernández, the former director of the agency IDEA Miguel Ángel Serrano, the former General Director of Labor Juan Márquez, the former Deputy Minister of Innovation Jesús María Rodríguez Román and the former General Director of Budgets of the Board Vicente Lozano.

In all these writings, according to the ruling, the defenses request the suspension of the sentences imposed on the accused thanks to the filing in the vast majority of cases of incidents of nullity before the Supreme Court, with respect to the sentence of said instance that resolves the cassation appeals filed against the initial sentence of the First Section of the Court of Seville, which sentenced 19 of the 21 former senior socialist officials of the Junta de Andalucía judged by the financing system of the ERE.

Former President Griñán, specifically, was sentenced to six years and two days in prison and 15 years and two days of disqualification, for continued crimes of embezzlement and prevarication.

This sentence of the Supreme Court, let us remember, absolves three technical general secretaries initially convicted by the Court of Seville and reduces the sentence of the former General Director of Labor Juan Márquez for appreciating the analogical mitigation of damage repair; maintaining that yes the rest of sentences imposed by the First Section of the Hearing.

In saying that it confirmed the prison sentences for José Antonio Griñán, the former Employment Ministers Antonio Fernández and José Antonio Viera; the former Minister of Innovation Francisco Vallejo; the former Deputy Minister of Employment Agustín Barberá; the former Treasury Minister Carmen Martínez Aguayo; former director general of IDEA Miguel Ángel Serrano; the former General Director of Labor Juan Márquez and the former Deputy Minister of Innovation Jesús María Rodríguez Román.

After giving an account of such writings, the First Section of the Seville Court agreed to transfer them to the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office and to the personal accusations, “so that they can allege what is convenient within three days”, in the case of a provision susceptible to appeal.

Previously, let us remember, the First Section of the Court of Seville had already asked the parties if it suspended the entry into prison of the aforementioned defendants sentenced to prison, pending the processing of their respective pardon petitions to the central Government, already weighing a initial report of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office that opposes the requests for suspension of the execution of prison sentences.

In this sense, the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office explains in its second brief submitted to the First Section of the Seville Court, that in its previous report it already took into account “to assess the origin of the suspension of the custodial sentence the fact of the presentation by the convicts of an incident of annulment, when announced by their procedural representations in their respective writings”.

For this reason, “the sentence handed down being firm and this being due to be fulfilled”, the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office reiterates “in all its extremes the content of the report dated November 2, 2022″, by which it was already opposed to the suspension of the sentence of imprisonment imposed on the convicts Griñán Martínez, Fernández García, Viera Chacón, Vallejo Serrano, Barberá Salvador, Rodríguez Román, Márquez Contreras, Serrano Aguilar and Martínez Aguayo”.

“In the same way, the suspension of the sentence of special disqualification to which Antonio Vicente Lozano Peña was sentenced and whose compliance was already required by order, firm, dated October 11, 2022, is not appropriate, being irrelevant to this purpose the presentation of the incident of annulment before the Supreme Court”, conclude the prosecutors Juan Enrique Egocheaga and Manuel Fernández Guerra.