Biogas can play an important role in Sweden is to reach its climate goals. I propose, therefore, in the Biogasmarknadsutredningens final report of the COUNCIL to 2019:63), which was presented in Swedish Debate (18/12), and that the state should support the production of biogas, equivalent to 10 TWh by the year 2030.
SFC has the right to suggest a system of retted with biogas, and a system of support for biogas and other renewable gas that will be produced by other technologies, including gasification. There are a number of reasons for this. Let me briefly give a few of them.
in Sweden, where food waste, animal manure, and the sludge is digested to become unprofitable and cease. It would be very unfortunate. There is no better way to take advantage of this waste to produce the right cars.
in Denmark, the support of their production in a way that allows English producers to get a very unlevel playing field. It is in this context that the Biogasmarknadsutredningen up. Like the SFC type, these conditions may change in the future, but it can be adjusted at the control points, which are included in the proposal.
Förgasad biogas to compete on a larger scale of the same material, for example, the skogsrester, that is, the production of liquid biofuels. In order to take into account the competition on the skogsrester, I have proposed a auktionsbaserat process.
to control the expansion rate and the total costs. A auktionsbaserat the procedure recommended is for this reason that an effective intensity cannot be specified in advance.
on The socio-economic utility per wager skattekrona should be the guiding principle. The socio-economic benefits, which are described in this report are generally higher, with the retted biogas than that of the gas produced by the gasification of biomass.
the Biogas has an important role to play in facilitating the Swedish klimatomställning. This is true even when the förgasningsteknik is used. Therefore, I have proposed to the government as soon as possible, in the face of a system that supports the production. However, as in all cases, it should be done in the most cost-effective, efficient and economic a manner as possible.