it is a debate that’s been going on the past few years has been the New Karolinska has been named the ”world’s most expensive hospitals…” to the Statement have been developed by several of the commentators, and the minister of social affairs ms Lena Hallengren in a dagens nyheter interview recently in the News, January 21, used the to the claim. The aim is of course to attempt to demonise the policies that have been in the region of the four ruling coalition parties had agreed, from the 2006 election, and then, in 2018, of a bluish-green fempartikoalition.
on a serious and responsible she has been, I knowledge, truth, and consistency of speech and action. I have to wonder if she, or for that matter, the rest of the ministers have no idea how many thousands of patients on a daily basis with adequate and high-quality health care at the New Karolinska and Stockholmssjukhusen in the other.
for a long time, and I våndats of the excesses and aberrations of which have been presented in journal articles, books, and policy statements.
There is a critical political capital at a later time is stated, has no relevance to what has been done and is being done. It is more a matter of political cowardice, or, in the best case, the worst.
If you would like to search for facts about the cost of the New Karolinska, as can be seen, for example, start off with a look back at the construction of a hospital some 50 years ago. You’ll find that the construction costs are comparable with costs of construction of the New Karolinska.
virtually, the same is true for the New Karolinska. The € 14.5 billion of that was in June of 2010, the equivalent of two years wages and salaries for the hospital staff.
a Measure of the cost of construction per square feet is the New Karolinska approximately 48 000 Swedish kronor. According to the official statistics, the cost of housing in the Stockholm inner city area is approximately 52 000 people per square meter. Another example is the Mall of Scandinavia, which claimed the lives of about 60 000 Swedish kronor per square meter. It is available in the OECD data saying that it is 52 per cent more expensive to construct in Sweden than in the OECD countries. And, in the process, there is no advanced work, except for the New Karolinska, and the specific requirements that were laid down. One of the objectives was to achieve a carbon-neutral power.
the transition from the old to the new show, unfortunately, flawed, and has, in all material respects with their reasonable explanation. No-one has done anything like this before in Sweden. To persist in claiming that the NKS-the investment is a ”disgrace” and a ”failure” is, in my opinion, in the best case scenario, based on a superficial knowledge of. The most important is that the vårdsäkerheten is not compromised. Events occurring after the term ended in 2014, I do not have a sufficient level of transparency in, and I comment, therefore, is not here. Therefore, I will refrain from making comments on, for example, the high-profile konsultinsatserna.
it would not be able to be resolved with the renovations or alterations made to a key road maps that build a new one. In policy deliberations was a vision of a world that is focused on investing in a new health care and research system that is able to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. The vision was shared and supported by the county council of all parties. Interest in and to the trade unions and the health care professionals were involved in, and have had very good opportunities to take part in the preparatory work.
that county politicians will need to procure something as complex as a modern hospital with a long-term perspective, the timeliness, and the sustainability of the eyes, so the need for a fundamental thinking and re-thinking the alone, up the side of a building. Therefore, aiming for an early set up of a public procurement process that took into account the need for flexibility in functionality, in both the short-and long-term.
Mediedrevet to the NKS-project has resulted in fewer and fewer over the years have involved the politicians are either afraid to stand behind decisions taken regarding the choice of a public-private partnership (PPP).
the Models were taken from some of the world’s most eminent teaching hospitals, including the Cleveland clinic and Mayo are both in the united states. Senior leaders from the Cleveland clinic, also participated as part of the initial phase of the work, with the creation of the New Karolinska. Such co-operation ought to have been allowed to continue for a few more years. No, the Swedish model did not exist.
Mediedrevet to the NKS-project has resulted in fewer and fewer over the years have involved the politicians are either afraid to stand behind decisions taken regarding the choice of a public-private partnership (PPP), which upphandlingsform or supplementary orders as it is, there was a good reason for it. For now and for the foreseeable future, it is the ”politically correct” to be against the OPS, which is an effective upphandlingsform. I will allow myself to doubt that this approach is based on an in-depth knowledge. It is easy to allow oneself to be intimidated by the mediedrevet, despite the wealth of facts which is and has always been available to the public in a timely and chronological order. And, I am afraid, that with this approach, are going to slow down innovation, by the need for a larger, future-oriented investment in the public sector.
. It is more a matter of political cowardice, or, in the best case, the worst.
– OPS-the agreement will run until mid-2040. The agreement includes, in addition to the costs of construction, well operation, maintenance, service provision, and funding, as well as the services of the hospital, and as office and technical support. This means that the county council is, according to the PPP contract will have to pay to 52.2 billion dollars, including the construction cost of 14.5 billion dollars.
the world of medical equipment, approximately 4.3 billion, the expansion orders of about 1.5 billion, and other investments, in addition to the PPP contract will be the sum total of which will be for the county council for consideration by 2040 to approximately sek 61 billion. A renewal in 2019, and led to the compensation were reduced by approximately sek 3 billion.